chapter thirteen

572 33 46

CW / TW ; internalized homophobia, homophobic slur (only like once in the beginning-) , conversion therapy, abuse.

giorno giovanna;;

my eyes slowly opened to reveal my pitch black room. i looked over at my night stand to see the time.

4:47 am.

i quietly sighed and turned onto my side and faced pannacotta.
but, i realized, the bed wasn't sinking on the side pannacotta slept on. it was only me in the bed.

i rubbed my eyes and squinted to make sure i wasn't crazy.
nope, i was right. no pannacotta in sight.

i sat up and turned my lamp on that stood on my nightstand and quietly got out of bed and walked downstairs to go find pannacotta.
i walked into the kitchen. no one.

i walked a bit further in the kitchen, but, i felt something wet and pointy touch my foot.

i looked down and squinted my eyes to see what was on the ground.

a broken glass cup. i assume there was water in it.
well, im pretty lucky the glass didn't impale my foot.

i widened my eyes at the thought of what happened here. my mind went straight to pannacotta panicking and having another anxiety attack.

for some reason, i wasn't able to move. i felt a huge wave of guilt wash over me. i felt responsible.

suddenly, i felt eyes staring on me. i still couldn't move.

"you ruined my life."

it was pannacotta's voice.

"why would you do this to me? you've ruined my entire life, you absolute moron!"

i wanted to defend myself and calm pannacotta down but i couldn't. my body would allow me.

finally, pannacotta walked in front of me, stepping on the glass.

i managed to speak, "your feet."
that's all i could say.

he ignored my words and continued on.

he picked up a giant, sharp shard of glass.
he gently placed the sharp glass right between my eyebrows.

"did you really think i would want some sort of faggot like you?"

"everyone knows."


suddenly, he shoved the glass into my skin.

i shot up in bed, covered in sweat and heavily breathing.

i looked around. i couldnt see anything. my brain was panicking, i couldn't think straight.

"pannacotta! pannacotta, where are you!?" i yelled, i could feel tears swelling up.

i heard grumbling next to me, "giorno, what are you doing? go back to sleep.." he mumbled.

i shook him, "a-are you mad at me!? did i really ruin your life!?" i frantically asked. he then sat up, quite quickly, it made me flinch a bit.

he turned over to his night stand and turned on his lamp, "what are you going on about? are you alright?" he questioned.

i thought for a moment and finally realized it was all a dream.
i sighed in relief and then looked at pannacotta.

"i-im... im sorry. it was just a dumb dream." i rubbed my eyes, making sure my tears didn't spill out.

he looked a bit more concerned about it, "uh.. d-do you wanna talk about it? im all ears." he stated.

𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦 - fugio fanfic Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz