chapter nine

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narancia ghirga ;;

i sat on my bed while holding a paper towel to my nose, thinking about the moment that happened around an hour ago.

i guess it's my fault, really. today was kinda ass at school and i just wish pannacotta would go back, he made everyday better, even if he was mad at me.

i facepalm. god, i can't believe i would do that to him. i fucked up, bad.

i can be pretty dumb sometimes but this one really takes the cake. why would i be so shitty to pannacotta? he's my bestfriend. and i knew that he was having trouble with his anger already.

suddenly, the door slams wide open to reveal guido, who was visibly concerned, and was holding pannacotta's suitcase.

"uh, nara, we have an issue." he spoke, looking the suitcase and then me.
i slightly straightened my posture, "w-what's going on? is panna alright?" i asked.

he inhales sharply, "he's gone. when i came back and went downstairs, the front door was wide open and he was gone." he explained, "all that he left was his phone. it was laying on the floor when i came back."

i felt my heart sink, "w-what!? do you know where he went? have you checked the house? is he hiding?" i immediately asked several questions.

"l-look, man, i dont know! all i know is that he's gone and left with literally nothing!" guido raised his voice, but not angrily, just out of concern and confusion.

"w-we need to find him, guido! wh-what if he's dead!? oh, god, fuck, fuck, fuck!" i was beyond nervous. i had no clue if panna was alright. hell, i didn't know if he was even alive!

"are you sure we should look for him at this time of night? i don't think we'll be able to see shit, dude!" guido responded.

i scratched my head, "i-i dont know! i have no clue on what to do in this situation! panna normally tells me to do something and it always ends up being right! b-but now, he's gone! i have no idea on what to do, guido!"

"it's alright, nara! i-i.. maybe we should just sleep tonight and first thing in the morning we'll look for him!" guido suggested,
i bit my nails, "i guess t-that isn't a terrible plan.." i responded. he sat down next to me and turned to me,

"everything is gonna be alright, nara. we're gonna find fugo and forgive each other and we'll all be friends again." guido said, i responded with a small nod.

man, where ever pannacotta is, i just hope he's safe.

b-but he's smart! he knows how to take care of himself.

yeah, we're all gonna be alright.

pannacotta fugo ;;

my eyes slowly opened as sunlight hit my face. i slowly rubbed my eyes and sat up, but immediately got a headache after sitting up.

i rested my back on the headboard of the bed and rubbed my head and cursed under my breath at my headache.

once my vision began focusing, i looked around the room and then at the bed. i turned my head around and realized that i didn't even have a headboard at home or at narancia's.
i looked around, trying to figure out where i was.

suddenly, the door opened and revealed someone in froggy pajamas and long, curly, blonde hair with iconic curls in the front.

oh, right, im at giorno's.

"oh, well, goodmorning, pannacotta. how was your sleep?" he asked,
i rubbed my eyes, "could always be better, i guess." i responded. he slightly smiled and made a 'hm' sound.

𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦 - fugio fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang