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I wasn't going to add this chapter because i'm getting really bored with this story and it's cringy to me i don't know why do this is really the last chapter...

I grab my keys without even thinking and not noticing spencer trailing along.

"You can't come with me!"

"You can't go over there by yourself your going to get yourself killed"

"Spencer, our daughters life is on the line i don't care if i live or not"

"Y/N... i care if you live"


"I still love you, even after all these's you it's always been you" spencer says and walks over to me and leans in for a kiss and i kiss back

"Now is not the time spence-"

"We need to be smart about this maybe we should have the team fly down here" he suggested and i shake my head no

"They obviously are watching us right now so let's go inside real quick and look at everything we have so far" and Spence follows me back inside

"Wait you see that on the letter" Spencer says and i give him the letter and watches as he exams it closely

"This is marked with eyeliner...A woman has put daughter but who?" Spencer asks and immediately a thought comes into my head

"Maybe your crazy of a wife, well ex wife it would make sense. She takes the daughter of you your bloodline. I think she is obsessed with you and has been and her finding out you had a child with someone other than her got in her way and now that you have divorced her she is not happy...why did you divorce her exactly?" And reid does the white personality face (😐) and looks down

"I told her that we aren't right for each other and i don't want to lead her on when i feel nothing for her"

"SPENCER IT IS HER... that bitch has my daughter and thinks she can scare me" i start to say as i get the letter and open the door

"Don't go without me, i'm coming and we will make a plan in the car" and we both get in the car and head off to the location

It leads to an abandoned building and i say under my breath "wow so original" and spencer laughs and says "what do you mean?"

"oh come on she couldn't pick a *better*place like she's going away for a long time and she didn't even go out with a bang" and as soon as the word bang  left my mouth a big explosion went off from the building next to us

"you jinxed it and i don't think this is where she has willow, you see that box over there" and he points straight ahead and there it is a black little box

I open the box and of course there is a letter
*You probably thought i would be dumb enough to have her in such a basic place. This was simply a test to see if you would listen. Down at the bottom is the real location and i mean it when i say NO ONE ELSE CAN COME. I don't want to have to kill spencie.*

"Spencer drop me off here and leave please" i say as we arrive at the next location

"i will wait in the car but if you need me press this button behind your ear and i will come in, i'm also having police on their way in 20 minutes so please hurry and be safe" he says and kisses my cheek and i get out of the car and walk into the cabin.

I immediately get punched but not knocked out and i pretend to be passed out.

A woman starts dragging me by the feet and i kick her in the face and she falls back knocking whatever it was on the table behind her over.

I pull out my gun and load it and aim it at her

"Where. is . my . daughter."

The woman laughs and so does the other woman behind me and i turn around quick and shoot her in the leg

"I don't want to have to ask again"

"She's in the ba-" The woman who i shot killed the woman in front of me and i gasped.

I turn around quick and point my gun at her

"You really think Spencer wants you? He's only with you because got you pregnant on accident, he told me he don't even love you and is now using you"

"I don't believe you, you're jealous that he loves ME and not YOU. Get over it"

"GET OVER IT? I have loved him longer than you. Ever since he first joined the BAU he caught my eye, but of course the blond girl, JJ i think her name is was after him. Long after that came this ugly twat names maeve, very hideous girl and she was killed by another stalker, then just as I was about to step in he met YOU at a coffee shop"

"I really don't see the point of-"

"SHUT UP and listen to me. I did some digging on you and i really don't know what he sees in you, you're just like all the previous girls, nothing. Look at you i mean *sigh* I can't imagine how painful it must have been to have sex with someone as lame as you"

I punch her in her mouth and she drops to the floor

"Trust me on this hunny it was not boring and the only reason he married you was to try to get over me. Now where is my daughter...bitch"

I kick the girls head and blood comes out of her moth and i press the button behind my ear so Spencer comes.

"WHERE IS SHE?" i ask and then i hear a scream behind me and also a stab to my leg

"Good luck getting to her in time... bitch" and after that i shoot the girl and limp my way towards the yelling

5 minutes later i hear the door slam open and Spencer yelling for my name.

"Please do find her"
Then everything goes black

Fast forward to 1 year later

"I'm pregnant" I tell Spencer as i come back from the bathroom and he gets up

We got married a month after the kidnapping and have been trying for a kid (she's 37)

Spencer hugs me tightly and kisses me with happiness and Willow walks in

"What's going o- oh my god never mind i really don't care right now"

She says and i realize im only in bra and underwear because me and Spencer just had sex

"Put clothes on and i will tell her the GOOD news!" He says excitedly and i laugh and change into some clothes

"Congratulation Mom, well and dad i guess you helped in the making"

"Wait you just reminded me that we need to have THE talk" I say and Willow cringes

"Not THE talk, please id rather not hear you two talking about sex" and then willow walks away

"DINNER AT 8" I tell her so she can start getting ready

"We should tell the team tonight and invite them over" I say and spencer nods and we all get ready

———————————————————————————"CONGRATS!!! kinda jealous Spencer gets to have all of you" Emily says and hugs me tightly

"What does she mean mom"

The whole team laughs

"I'll tell you later" no i won't

Everyone congratulates us and i realize this is my home.

The team, Spencer, and Willow are my family and family does anything for each other

A/N: So this is the end of the story i can't say i enjoyed it. I hate reading my own work that's why is there was a typo i'm sorry i cringe when i read my stories...Anyways i l e thought about it and i'm going to do a sequel to this story but it will be better i promise and at the same time a "Spencer Reid one shots" !!! more information will be the next slide which will be posted tomorrow, LOVE YALL !!! also originally y/n and spencer weren't going to end up with each other so feel special <3

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