Chapter 7

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*this chapter talks about miscarriage but yea enjoy...

"Well I'll start from the beginning I guess it's not a lot. When I was around 17 I had this one boyfriend and I thought I loved him and we had unprotected sex. I got pregnant with his baby. My dad abused me ever since I was about 7 so when he started abusing my mom she then decided to move. I hated her and I hated all my family. We moved to a different part of Las Vegas then he found us after a couple years. Fats forward we moved here to Cali I met my bf and I was pregnant or whatever and my mom kicked me out. My belly was small and I was about 5 months. My dad somehow found us again and my mom aloud him to move back in and it started again. Once he found out I was pregnant he kicked me in the stomach and I lost my baby. After that I had to leave but I had now where. I killed my own father. I never got punished and they took it off my record. I left Cali recently to move on and start a new life." I tear up mentioning my baby. Today is the 4th year it was her due date today.

Spencer pulls me into a hug and we just stay like that for what felt like eternity. I don't want pity tho. I'm strong and don't want to focus on the bad. I pull away and just stare at Spencer. I've only been with the bau for a couple of months but I have grown close to everybody. We both lean in slowly with our lips inches apart. Spencer places a hand under my chin and he smashes his lips onto mine. I tug on his hair after we've been making out for like a minute, very intensely. He picks me up and puts me on the pool chair and now he's on top of me. His tounge swirls with mine and I bite on his bottom lip as he pulls away and he smiles. I hear someone clear there throat and look back and I see Emily with her arms crossed. "Oh shit um we were just getting some fresh air" I lie. "Don't be silly I'll pretend I didn't see anything, but um you guys should really sleep we have a lot of work tomorrow" and with that she winks and leaves. Spencer gets up and it's a little awkward now.

"Hey let's just talk about this later maybe?" I ask and Spencer says "hmm idk I think this was just an accident, both of our emotions were high, let's just sleep on it". That shit got me so mad but I just say "yea i think your right, let's forget it goodnight Reid" then I leave. What the hell, I kinda thought that mean something but I get it. He's a good kisser not going to lie. I blush as I remember how his hands felt on my face then I get mad because of what he just said. I stay up all night just on my phone.

Shit. I'm late. I get up and dressed so fast and I brush my teeth. I go more natural today with only mascara and some lip gloss. I head to the police station and everyone's eyes turn to me and I get a little embarrassed. "Sorry I overslept" and they just shake their head and we go over the case more. Reid is presenting his idea to us and I'm so distracted just looking at him. He got so rude so fast. " Y/L/N!?" Hotch says and I snap back into reality. "I'm sorry what" I ask and Reid just stares at me and Emily repeats what he said. After we brief over it Morgan walks over to me and hands me a cup of coffee. "Looks like you needed this gorgeous " he says and smiles. "I very much did thanks" I say and take the coffee from him. "Y/N and Reid come here please" I hear hotch say. Me and Reid both look confused and walk over to him. "I need you guys to go under cover as a couple, you guys are both young and Reid is just the unsubs type" Reid just nods "um I've never done this before what if I mess up, and what do you mean Reid is they're type?" I say concerned and hotch just says he will go over everything in an hour and gave us a dress code. I go back to our hotel and Spencer drives us both. It's like really awkward and uncomfortable when we drive and I think Spencer feels it to.

Anyways... we get there and I go to change and I have a party outfit just in case something like this happens. I mean I actually have kinda done this before but this time i have to act like me and Reid are a couple. I do my makeup and do a full face with winged eyeliner. I straightened my hair and put on a dress.Now this dress isn't something I would usually wear around the team. It's more MY style that I would wear around other people. I actually got ready fast like I'm 40 minutes. (Dress is below)

I go to knock on Reid's door  and he don't answer until like 5 minutes later he opens the door and the view oh my gosh

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I go to knock on Reid's door and he don't answer until like 5 minutes later he opens the door and the view oh my gosh. He's just in his towel with water drilling down from his neck to his chest to his- "um are we late or something?" Reid asks and I bring my eyes to his and I see he's hiding a smirk. "Oh no I just thought you would be ready by now, we have to be there in 20 minutes" I say and stand straight to be taller but I mean Spencer is taller than me so it didn't help. After you say that Reid looks over your body, examining you and looking you up and down, then he nods in approval. Like I needed his approval anyways. "I'll be out here in 10 minutes, do you want to wait out here or-" he says but I cut him off nicely "I'll wait in the lobby :)" and he just nods and I walk away and I can tell he's watching me bc the door was still opened. 10 minutes passed and I see him walking over. Holy. Shit. He looks hot like really hot right now. He sees me and I can't even make eye contact with him. He knows he's dam attractive right now. "You look let's go" he says as he looks you up and down again but quick and he walks fast. woah he complimented me. We get in the car and Reid drives. He looks really hot driving with his veiny hands and concentrated face. (But imagine his hair is prison Reid hair lol)

We arrive there just in time and hotch lets us in on how we have to act

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We arrive there just in time and hotch lets us in on how we have to act. He said we have to be really flirty and kinda touchy. I'm definitely not ready for this, ever since that kiss or make out me and Reid had it's just been weird and he kind of hurt my feelings. He seemed so different that day at the coffee shop and now that I know him more he just seems different. Spencer kind of seemed disgusted with the way we have to act. He swears he's so innocent like he wasn't just touching on my body the other night. It comes to the time where we have to act like we're on a date...

Author here !! I hate how I ended this chapter and I actually hate the way I write all of them but it's ok :) I hope you enjoyed. Also the style that y/n will wear outside of work will be how my style is and I'm a teen so if you don't like bad it's my story and you can make your own. THANKS FOR THE READS!!!!!!!

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