My best friend too

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"Hey dad! look what I found!" she says. "disgusting" he says. "Hey mum! look what I found!" she says again "I'm busy" she says. 

No one likes playing with me. Why won't they play? "Hey! Joli!" a stranger calls. A boy that is my age is calling my name? "Hello!" I say. He waves and says hi back. Maybe he can play with me?

"Wow Desmond! you are good at drawing!" I say as I watch with almost jealousy. "You can draw if you keep practising!" He suggests as he gives me his pencil. I start drawing a pretty flower and he watches me. "Joli you are a good drawer too!" Desmond repeats, I say happily "I like having you as my friend!" and he repeats "Joli, I like having  you as my friend too"

                                                                                   [back to present]

Don't get me wrong. After that day we would hangout almost every day. But a year later, when I turned 6, my dad went missing, Then another half a year later he was found dead and I couldn't see Desmond anymore after that. He was always a year older and constantly had friends wherever he went. Since I was back to being alone I couldn't quite socialise properly and since my fathers death was all over the news I was constantly reminded by people, so I decided to stay far away from civilisation. Until I was 13 I saw Desmond again. I did try talk to him but he didn't seem to remember me. I decided to give up on talking to him and instead watched him in the shadows. I see now, he did remember me, I couldn't see it back then but now I can tell he shows a different expression towards me then anyone else. 

Anthony wasn't the first I captured, every year I'd threaten other girls who tried getting with Desmond. I think when I was 14, the second girl I had blackmailed I noticed he must've realised I was the one because he changed his expression every time he looked at me, that's what I thought but he had always shown that expression, I just didn't notice it until then. It was almost a grin then a smile, and every time I saw it I had a sudden urge to do more then blackmail.

Morning came and I hardly slept because I worried he'd be in my room like at Sherry's house. I see Jack go in the lounge with a bowl of wheatbix. I say good morning and so does he. I look around to see that Rove wasn't up yet. I snoop around upstairs and head to his room. I guess you could say I'm interested in him, I can't help but open the door silently and see Rove soundlessly asleep. I can see his muscular arms and shoulders coming out of the blanket sheets. I feel tempted and close the door behind me. I stare at his handsome expressionless face and slightly touch his arm and rub against it, he slightly twitches but still sleeps peacefully. I remember when he was conscious of having sex with me. I get aroused and lean forward, I slowly go for his lips. He grunts a little and rolls over to the other side. I can now see his broad back and how toned he is. I can't stop thinking about how much I want to do it.

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