Playing with fire

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"I leave work after this, so I wouldn't mind staying here to dry" He says with a stupid smile, I quickly respond with a "Excuse me!-" but I get interrupted by the nurse who says "Yes, yes come in!" and that angered me. These people don't know that this is my house! tsk, just because I'm 16! A few minutes past and they've already made themselves at home, each time I look at them I get pissed. I decided to mention "This is my house, you understand that right? nurse." I face towards the nurse and sip my tea, she paused before speaking, "Joli, this is your mothers house, remember your manners" as she said that I ambivalently laugh, "Excuse you but, you have no right to tell me whether my mother owns this house or not, all you need to know is that you are inferior to me!" I snapped towards her, she looked at me with shock while the boy looked away, trying to ignore the current situation.

I walk off into my bedroom and head to my closet, maybe I should get rid of these idiots while they are still here... "BANG!" Suddenly before I could open my closet I rush towards my window and spot a black car that had just crashed into the delivery boy's bike,  I head back towards the lounge to confront the delivery boy what just happened, I realised they were both gone. I rush towards the entrance door and spot both of them in disbelief, the boy mumbles "How'd they find me here!" I quickly caught on with the situation, "Boy, what do the men in the black car want with you?" I say and continue "You better not have brought a group of druggies inside my fucking house!" I step closer towards him and clench my fist to go for a punch, before I could, though, the nurse spoke "Joli! calm down, these people may have just accidentally hit his bike!" Did she not hear what he said? well she is old, wouldn't surprise me. "Um... they aren't druggies, they are the group who was with me when we attacked you..." The boy says as he continues "It's cause I told the principal all the boy's names that were in the group that attacked you" So... he was the one who snitched on them, wouldn't surprise me that they'd want him dead, "Alright, let me discuss with them" I say as I go grab my pocket knife "w-wait, you aren't gonna kill them are you?" the nurse says, I look at both of them before answering "I just wanna scare them a little" with that I walked out the door towards the black car that's parked in my driveway, this place has gates, I guess the delivery boy didn't close them and caused the men to follow him all the way here. 

"What? Didn't expect this to be Joli's house" A familiar voice spoke, I look at the black car and say "Well, I didn't expect you to tress pass into my property, is suspension not a good enough warning? Want me to call the cops?" with every word I spoke I walk closer and closer to them, I stop 2 meters away from the car and continue to speak, "Get the fuck out and apologise, after that, leave." I am not the type to have patience, if these guys are looking for a fight, they need to get out the car. "creak..." The door opens, following by a few more, it was yet again Jack and his fellow team of idiots. "Joli, wasn't our warning to you not good enough?" Jack had said making the others laugh, that pissed me off so much so I take out my pocket knife from my sleeve, I was planning on only threatening them but now I really want to cut them.  "You're playing with fire, the second time I'm getting you all burnt to fucking ashes!" I say that and start swinging the knife towards jack, he side steps out of my view and grabs one of my arms, I am still injured but my furious rage kept me from feeling pain. I rush towards his hand and managed to cut 3 centimetres deep into it,  he grunts and quickly pulls away, I see that the other boys decide to join it so I did a 180 spin managing to cut the clothing and chest of all the guys on the right, two were still behind me so I tackled one of them onto the ground by surprise and start kneeing into his dick. "Fuck! someone get her off me!" The guy on the ground shouts as I continue, I get off quickly and sliced the arm of one of them, they fall in pain and gives me an opening to kick the others in the face, my legs hit the last guy in the chest, but he grabs my leg and pushes me onto the floor, I used too much strength and my body is already worn out, jack and the last guy stomp on my hands causing me to yelp, I feel so much pain around my body and it felt worse than the last time. "Joli, you fucked with a knife, what if that killed one of us? huh!?" Jack deeply says while ripping the pocket knife off my hands, before anything else happens, though, sirens could be heard in the distance, the delivery boy had rushed to tackle jack on the ground while he wasn't looking, that gave me a chance to punch the other dude in the nuts and setting my other hand free, I slowly got up and start slowly daising in and out of reality, I heard the sirens getting closer, I can't have cops--. 

Stranger StalkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora