Ch 1: New school new life

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Sans's POV:

I woke up at the sound of my alarm and my brother calling my name at the same time. I groaned at both sounds a rolled off my bed. I hit the clock making it stop its annoying sound and walked out of my room down the stairs. My brother greeted me with a smile and a plate of chocolate and strawberry pancakes! I smiled and sat at the table and began to eat. Papyrus already ate his and begun to pack his backpack for the school year. We just moved into this town to begin a new school year. Our parents were on a business trip for the time being but left us plenty of money and Papyrus had a job. I couldn't get one because of my condition of being mute/unable to talk but that didn't matter my brother was there to look out for me as I did him...too bad our parents didn't let us stay home schooled in our mansion instead we had to have a normal house and act as a normal person. I didn't have a problem with it I'm just not used to it plus I miss the maids and butlers they were nice. But enough about that I have to get ready for school.......

I got up from my seat and ran to my room. I dressed into my schools uniform and took out my favorite skelton pin from my desk drawer then clipped it onto my shirt. I grabbed my backpack and slipped back out of my room to the downstairs. Papyrus waited for him to come so they could leave the house and make their way to school. I knew it wasn't going to be easy at first but Papyrus had his hopes on the high level of life. 

We walked across the street to another and another before reaching the back of the school. It looked pretty big from the point where we were standing I'd say about 3 stories. We walked around to the front of it and saw many students waiting to be let in. Papyrus lead me to the center of it all and a certain group of boys caught my eye. I didnt get to get a good look at them but I noticed one with a blue scarf around their neck. In no time the school bell rang and the students rushed in. 

When me and Papyrus were in we headed to the main office to meet the principal and get our schedules for the year. We headed in and saw two other students in there before us along with a taller woman who I'm guessing was either the principal or the assistant of the principal. 

"Good morning you must be Papyrus and Sans!" The woman said giving us a gentle smile.

"Good morning Miss!" Papyrus said cheerfully.

"I am Principal Alokey!" The woman said.

The woman looked at the two other students who both smiled at us. One was a neko girl with pink long braids and brown eyes, the other was a male skeleton with a crack in his skull with one red eye. 

"These are Esia (neko) and Horror (skeleton) And they will be your guides for today and tomorrow," The principle said. "Esia will accompany Papyrus and Horror with Sans!" 

The neko walked up to Papyrus and handed him a piece of paper then they left the room. The other skeleton came up to me and looked at me confused. He was trying to communicate through sign language but failed miserably. I chuckled and the principal said that he doesn't need to use sign language and that I can hear him if he speaks. He panicked and said sorry making me almost burst in laughter. I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled and he looked at me blushing in embarrassment. He handed me a piece of paper which seemed to be my schedule and we headed out into the hall. He looked away from me for a moment before speaking. 

"So my name is Horror but you already know that and I already know your name is Sans."

Horror asked for my schedule and I handed it to him then he began to walk. I followed him and we traveled through the halls of my new school. We first travled to the mathematics and history hall on the second floor. Thankfully both my classes were right next to each other so it wouldnt be a problem to remember where to go. We then hit the English and arts hall they were a few classes away from each other but on the same side I'd just have to remember how many classes apart they were. Next was the cafeteria which was hella big like jeez you could fit two gyms in here and actually its right next to the gym. Finally we reached my favorite classes well the sound of it makes it seem like they would be my favorite....CULINARY AND SCIENCE! Horror also loves culinary class too and we have it together!

~After the tour~

After the tour around the school we met back with my brother and his guide for lunch. We sat at the back of the cafeteria and enjoyed our time together. We all talked to each other (well they did but they included me) they asked us some questions but I couldnt answer mine verbally so I just sign language to Papyrus to tell them what I wanted to say which they smiled at.

At the end of the day we waved goodbye to our guides to see them tomorrow for the first actual day of school. I hoped to make friends and for Papyrus to make some as well which I know he will. Its going to be easy for him but not so much for me......its a good thing I have Horror with me to help me along my way into the new school and my new life

The Mute Boy||Classic x StarSanses x BadSanses||Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now