Chapter Five: Flawless

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        The vampires finished their meal reluctantly. Van was in ecstasy. Never had he had blood so sweet and filling. He wished he could have kept the morsel, but Tiearyu needed to see this one dead as a reminder of what his life was costing those around him. The young man's life was over. His heart still beat slowly, but would stop soon enough. They always did. Humans were so fragile. So absolutely pathetic.

        Van dropped the kid to the ground satisfied by the way he was sprawled on the dirty asphalt of the alley. The boy's eyes were open and unseeing. Van was kind of sad now that it was all over.

        The kid was dead and he almost cared, how disgusting.

        But he had relished in the killing. In the breaking of this little lamb's mind. The mind was so fragile. Especially the human mind. Yeah, it didn't take much to completely fuck the human mind over. And Van had fucked many. Minds that is...

        And that blood. It had been calling to him from inside those beautiful veins. It was so sweet. Sweeter than any he had ever tasted. It confused him. Blood shouldn't taste like that. If their orders weren't to destroy anything associated with Tiearyu Van would have kept this one. But their master had to be obeyed at all cost. His words were absolute.

        They had bitten the child in seven different places and used their saliva to keep the wounds open. There was no questioning it: the kid was going to bleed out. It had been enjoyable making this young artist into a canvas filled with the artistic marks of the vampire.

        But now Van felt empty. The joy he felt had been fleeting and seemed cheep now. The kid had deserved better. "Let us take out leave, brother. We have taken everything this child could offer us."

        Desoto nodded his agreement. He looked down at the kid, "So long turd. Too bad you made yourself out enemy. You would have been a great artist. Painter of things that should never be painted." Obviously Desoto felt just as saddened by the kid's death as Van. He didn't often spout poetry like that. And that definitely had been quite an eloquent speech for the dummy.

        Both vampires left the alley quietly. They were deep in thought. How was the kid able to paint Tiearyu when a mere glimpse of him usually drove a person insane? This was a mystery they would never know the answer to with the artist now dead. The answer had died with the painter.

        It was time to go see their master. Their gift to Tiearyu was left. Now they just needed to be around when he found it. And they knew he would. He always found them. It was as if the victims called out to him.

        Van smirked. Tiearyu would know exactly who killed this innocent. Always seven wounds that seemed to bleed even after death. When Tiearyu found the boy they'd finish him. They'd get that unnatural being and send him to Hell where he belonged.


        The man walked into the alley. His alley, he liked to think. He was always there when he needed to think. His mood was dark, as it often was, and all he wanted to do was sit on the fire escape steps and reminisce about happier days long passed. As soon as he smelled the putrid aroma coming from the alley, he knew his want was not going to happen that night. He should have turned around and left. Save himself the trouble of finding the source of the smell. But it was strange for so much of the stench to be coming from his alley.

        The fumes wafted from the alley. Blood. Lots of blood. The blood smelled old and stale. At least a couple of hours had passed from it first being spilled. If he would have come through the area at his usual time, he might have witnessed something… unsettling. Better investigate the man decided grimly. He hoped it was an animal. A small animal. But judging by the amount of blood he smelled, that very thought was ludicrous. At the very least he could pick up the dead animal and give it peace. A proper burial was what the thing needed.

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