Chapter 18 Day 3 : Your my kids now.

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Aizawa's pov :

They fell asleep last night in my giant cabin. So I was in the main kitchen where I was making breakfast for my kids.  When I heard Denki. He was talking to Eijiro. He said something along the lines of 'I would be suprised if anyone apart from mineta in class 1A'

After finishing breakfast and serving it, I decided to check the tests. For some reason Denki was right. Everyone apart from Mineta had a major family issue in some way. With that I thought I may as well check the mental health test. Just as I thought everyone (apart from Mineta) had some form of PTSD along with some having Depression, Anxiety, Anorexia, ADHD,  Anger issues, Trust issues or Insomnia. Mineta just had borderline ped*philic issues. Thats it. 'OBORO!' I yelled 'Can you give me a cloud to 1b and back please I have to kill someone.

After Mineta died

'KIDS! I have an announcement!' I called waiting for my kids to come over. Behind me where adoption papers. Once they had all gathered I questioned 'How would you feel about becoming  an Aizawa?'

Timeskip to after the adoption papers were signed

'You're my kids now.

Also we are going to a therapist about all of your guys mental issues.'

And a chorus of groans were heard in response

The next chapters the last chapter

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