part 10

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The whimpers were music to his ears. The Italian really making it very clear how much pain he was in. Sure, he couldn't exactly scream but he couldn't beg either. In a way Ivan wanted to leave the spikes on him to keep the pointless pleading at bay. How many times had he begged and said he would do anything, then quickly changed his mind. At the same time he also enjoyed the sound of the begs and the authority they have him. They had reached the point he wanted before moving onto the next tool, which would be even harder not to scream for. Allowing his humanity to take over he removed the dual sided fork from the Italian and dropped it on the floor; he could always pick it up again later if his pet was growing annoying.

As soon as the collar was off his pet, Ivan pried open his mouth and ripped out one of the molars.

"That is for lying." he stated when he pulled his arm back. Dogs need to be trained and if the Italian refused to be good than this is how it was going to happen. He placed the bloody tooth in his pet's hand as a souvenir of his disobedience.

"You have thirty seconds to breath and recover before the next round starts. Since you did try to follow through and did so well in the beginning I'll give you one wish." There was no denying that it had been a true spectacle until everything fell apart. What had been accomplished deserved some sort of reward to let his rab know that he was very please with it.

Feliciano felt relieved for only a moment when the device was removed, though his releif disappeared the moment Ivan grabbed at his tooth. He screached in pain, his body shaking again. He looked down at the tooth Ivan placed in his hand, though it was barely visible thanks to his tears. He couldn't see very well but he knew what it was. He took a few deep breaths and stared at Ivan, listening to him as he spoke.
For a moment he blinked, looking behind Ivan at the Girl. He looked at Ivan again. A wish? A final chance maybe? He could try. He could do what he needed to, he couldn't take Ivan's punishments.

"I-Ivan g-give m-me o-one l-last ch-chance. P-please. L-let me t-try o-one m-more t-time. P-please." He begged softly, praying to his god that Ivan would give him a final chance. "P-Please" If he could get just one more chance he would do whatever Ivan wanted him to do to her. He didnt care anymore. He couldn't handle this pain.

With a huff Ivan placed a hand on either arm rest and leaned forward until their faces were very close, his piercing eyes drilling into the Italians.

"One more chance? After you already lied to me? I am trying to do you a favour by giving you a safe place to let the darkness out before it finds a release on people you love and this is how you repay my kindness." he took a step back, looking between Feliciano and his sister. After watching the pleasure the Italian had taken from it things went beyond some simple task. He already had the equivalent of slaves; what he didn't have was a henchman who would do any dirty work he required, and enjoy it.

At one point the girl had done that, before she decided to take the skills he had taught her and go off on her own. For any other reason he would have rolled his eyes at such a request and amplified the pain for it. This time though, he wanted nothing more than for his pet to let the dark part of himself out to be used for future uses. That would be more useful than drawing out the Italian's pain until he passed out. He marched closer to the girl who quickly began attempting to struggle against him despite not having use of her hands or one one leg.

To prevent further outbursts he wrapped the gag back into her mouth. That was what did it in the first place; the forked tongue she spoke with. Ivan grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her closer to his pet with one hand while the other pulled her knife to cut the ropes and free his one of rab's hands. "Prove that you will."

Ivan handed him the knife and pulled the girl to her knees to give the Italian free space.

"If you choose to there will be no further mercy. You relax and allow yourself to enjoy it. And you will not stop until your chew toy would do anything you ask. I have a whole book of fun that would make you stop begging for another chance and instead to have pity and kill you if you back down again." he hissed his final warning. Really, he wanted this to work. Feliciano may not see it but there was nothing wrong in releasing his darkest desires in a safe place such as this. The sooner he did, the sooner he would be all Ivan's.

Once Ivan stopped dragging her and allowed her a moment to rest Oz was able to take a few deep breaths to catch up for the moans and whimpers released as he pulled her along. With the knife in the Italian's hands she closed her eyes and kept them shut tight. The man clearly had a split personality and she hated both of them. The weaker one she pitied but also hated for being so wish-wash and refusing to make a deal with her but continuing to beg Ivan. The other had an unmatched hatred for, but she feared him just as much. She didn't know who she would be dealing with from here on out, and she wasn't sure which she could prefer either.

Feliciano nodded nervously as Ivan spoke his warning. His breath was shaky as he grippied the knife tightly. He wasn't sure what Ivan wanted him to do to prove himself but he had his own ideas in mind. He adjusted his grip on the knife so that he could stab rather than slice. He knew Ivan wouldnt want her dead so he only stabbed her shoulder. he left the knife where it was. It caused more pain and let less blood flow out. Another thing he did however was twist the knife.  This would cause excruciating pain while in and on the way out, and it would be extremely difficult to remove.

He had learned that little twist trick during the war. His resistance tought him many tricks with knives but he couldn't stand to use them. He didn't look back at Ivan he only glared at the girl. If the things Ivan had said about her were true then he could blame her for all of this. He wasn't okay with hurting her but he would do it. No matter how long it took. He tried to slow his breathing and lessen the tears that still left his eyes, not taking them off of her. He waited now, he wasn't sure what more he could do. He had a somewhat saddened look on his face but his eyes showed no proof as they only glared. Feliciano was so frustrated with the world and that is what usually brought out that Mafian he tried so hard to hide but that was just it. He still tried to hide it. He could do this without that side of him. Even if it hurt him to that didn't matter. Nothing compared to what Ivan did.

Oz gasped as the knife drilled into her shoulder. He hadn't taken the deal she offered him before so it was completely off; she wasn't going to be acting nice for him. She may not struggle as much, to make things shorted and easier on herself, but that didn't mean she would allow him to really know how much pain she was in from his actions.

When he turned the blade inside her she fought to bite back the scream but it didn't take long for the growl to shift into a scream. No matter how she turned or twisted to adjust to the new spike it hurt. When she tried it only got worse as the blade found all new flesh to rip into, causing a continuous whimper with every movement she made. Her eyes remained closed, refusing to meet the constant glare. It was already obvious how much pain she was in without seeing it in her eyes. Even after he released the handle the fresh wound continued to throb around the knife in her. She tried to ask him to take it out as she writhed around it, but the gag made it impossible.

With little to no concern Ivan released his grip on the hair and allowed the girl to collapse onto the floor, breathing heavily. The entire time his focus had been on the Italian's expressions. His face was hard and he appeared to be suffocating the dark urges. If that continued there would be no point in this; he needed that man to come back out if this was going to be worth the effort he was putting into it.

"I'm not completely convinced that you want to do this. If it's too much of a chore we could always continue what we were doing." he picked up the shock collar and looked it over. "Or do you just not believe that she deserves it? Oh, the stories we could tell, da, sistra?" With a cruel smirk he unfastened the collar and began slowly moving it towards the neck of his pet. He had no intentions of actually putting it on, just pushing towards a desired result.

Feliciano's eyes quickly darted to Ivan. "N-No I-its not a ch-chore" Feliciano shook his head, taking a deep breath.

He knew Ivan wanted the other man and Feliciano was sure that unless that man was the one here he wouldnt be able to do this anyway. He didnt want to but he had to. He closed his eyes and calmed himself down. He let it out.

Feliciano opened his eyes again but when he did there was a hatred in them. A hatred of the world and everyone around him. And he saw who he could take it out on. The new mindset wasnt entirely okay his position in the chair. He growled and looked up at Ivan.

"If you want something done about her you had better untie me. A single hand is not enough" He growled angrilly.  He was still concious of his position, under Ivans control but he was much less wimpy when he was this type of man. He wouldnt hesitate to retort or spit even at Ivan if he neared him any more woth that collar. "And if that thing goes around my neck I'll rip it off" He stated definatly,  holding his index finger up to point at the collar. Now that his opinion was out to Ivan he turned to Oz and smirked.

"Oh and as for you. Your little deal?" He chuckled. "How ridiculous."

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