Part 1

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Feliciano hummed softly as he cleaned up his kitchen. He'd been invited over to Ivan's house today and wasn't exactly sure why. He questioned if the Russian knew about the accident at the world meeting where Feliciano had stepped on the Russian's scarf. He'd hoped it hadn't been noticed but if it had what was the worst that could happen? Feliciano had made a ton of mistakes with Ludwig before and all that had happened was running laps and getting yelled at. That wasn't so bad.

As Feliciano finished cleaning up his mess from breakfast he heard his phone buzz.

When he looked down he saw one of those stupid messages that say nothing and have numbers that contain three or four digits. He rolled his eyes and set his phone on the counter, rushing upstairs to change clothes. When he came back down stairs he immediately headed for the door, forgetting to grab his phone again.

He drove at a rather normal pace, well normal for him, getting him to Ivan's somewhat quickly.

He hummed as he grabbed his coat and put it on, shivering as he exited his car. He moved rather quickly up and knocked on the Russians door, curling himself up in the coat he wore.

Ivan had been enjoying preparing his house for his guest when the tap against the solid wood door distracted him. This really was the perfect day for this: all three of the underlings who stayed here were out with associates of theirs and his sisters were busy with other matters so they wouldn't be stopping by. It would be just him and his little visitor until night fell. Oh, all of the fun they'd be able to have until then. This moment had been on his mind ever since the event took place, coming up with new ways to make the smaller man truly sorry for what he had done. The scarf was a gift from his elder sister, and the way it had been so recklessly defiled was repulsive. The long strip of cloth had more value to him than the Lithuanian; it was far more special and it had the job of hiding his retched scars from the world. Having a footprint on it was infuriating and the offender needed to be dealt with. Ivan believed Ludwig was no good with disciplining his subordinated. Feliciano had to be one of the most annoying and honestly stupid people he had ever met, only proving that the hardened and angry German wasn't doing his job. Putting on an artificial smile, he placed the freshly shined pipe into the inside pocket of his jacket and made his way to answer the door. Scaring him off before he ever made it inside the door would ruin everything he had planned and prepared. No, he had to act happy and welcoming until he had his victim safely trapped. "Oh, Privyet, Feliciano! You're early." he grinned innocently as he opened the door to find his guest already shivering from the cold. Taking a step back to make more room, he welcomed the Italian into his home.

The Italian stepped inside and looked around. "Sì I left earlier thinking there would be more traffic but there wasn't so I got here. I'm sorry if it's an inconvenience for me to be this early." He said softly, smiling back at the other. He felt a bit warmer at stepping inside and relaxed a bit. "I can go back outside and wait in my car if you'd like~" He offered, smiling up at the taller Russian. "I wouldn't mind, after all I'm your guest and it would be inappropriate to be rude to my host" He shrugged softly, standing near the door still just incase the Russian did want him to head back out for a while.

Even inside Feliciano still shivered, his house was much warmer everywhere not just inside. The cold wasn't exactly his thing since he liked to run around half naked, though here he'd dressed up rather warmly, knowing how cold he'd be at the Russians house.

The Russian's smile showed no signs of hatred so Feliciano felt safe. He wasn't sure how safe he'd be being that it was Russia and he had heard some things about the man that kind of scared him. But what would the Russian want with Italy other than to hang out? After all he'd always seem like he needed friends.

"Nyet! It's alright." he responded quickly, closing the door and clicking the lock into place while speaking to hide the sounds under his voice. He had been too looking forward to this to let him go so easily.

"I will admit my home is a bit of a mess, and I am ashamed for a guest to see it like this. How about we go to the den in the basement instead?" The plastic grin was beginning to weigh on the sides of his mouth, but he had to keep it up just a little bit longer to pull this off. In reality his house was as clean as it always was, since the three from the Baltic states were instructed to keep it that way. This was simply the best way to lure him below the earth's surface where things could really begin.

A room had already been readied long before the Italian ever arrived, containing everything he could wish or desire. Plus, the last thing he needed was for someone to walk past and hear suspicious sounds coming from in here; he was already being watched closely enough by Alfred after their little dispute. Walking slowly to ensure that Feliciano was following him he made one stop on the way to the basement door to grab the bottle of vodka off of the table in the living room. A little bit if alcohol made everything more fun, not that he wouldn't be enjoying himself as it was.

"Okay cool!" Feliciano smiled happily and began to remove his coat, getting used to the cold a bit more.

He looked around a bit after the Russian's comment. "It's a lot cleaner than my house~ but I respect your judgement so sure~ the basement works just as well I suppose!" he nodded, giggling softly and following after the Russian, watching as he walked. He continued to dart his eyes around the room, humming softly as the two walked.

Feliciano waited as the other grabbed his vodka, chuckling slightly. He had heard of the things that Vodka did to you. It had high alcohol levels compared to what Feliciano drank.
After the Russian began to walk again, Feliciano shrugged and continued on, nearly skipping after him.  He didn't quite know why but he felt somewhat happy to be in the Russian's company. He seemed rather nice at the moment, although Feliciano had heard terrible things about him. He didn't seem all as bad as everyone said.

Ah, he truly was a fool. Any number of people could have told him that Ivan made bad company. They also would have been able to warn him that this smile and cheer was only a facade. Only idiots smile this much, and an idiot he was not until his ignorant guest.

"The lights are rather old and dim over the stairs. Please be cautious." What a waste it would be to have the Italian fall down the stairs and be injured so early on. He pulled the door open to reveal a set of worn wooden stairs that descended into a poorly lit room made mostly of concrete. It already looked suspicious with the dim orange glow on the rotted stairs, even before the true purpose of the room was visible. Just incase the naive man decided to be wise and attempt to chicken out he had one hand kept on his pipe. That was only meant to be his backup plan if Feliciano refused to go down willingly; it would be easier to carry him down already unconscious than attempt to force him down while he fought back. From here on out, his amount of suffering would rely heavily on his amount of cooperation.

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