part 8

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Oz looked up at the sounds coming from above. They really didn't sound good. Of course it was just a person coming down the stairs, but her imagination was beginning to run wild. Humans don't descend stairs that slowly, nor do they scratch this much. Having lived here once upon a time she knew the usually house sounds and that was not it. There was definitely something coming to get her but the question was what. Then it went quiet for a bit. Too long for her own comfort as she began fighting harder with the binds, the rope rubbing furiously against her skin. It would be possible to stand up but there was no where to go after that with whatever had come for her already down here. It could just be Ivan, not that that was a good thing, waiting for the right time to crush her skull with that pipe of his.

When the voice suddenly appeared a chill ran down her spine. Were it not for the engulfing darkness preventing her from seeing she would have attempted to kick out the feet of the person speaking. After a split second she realized that it wasn't Russian, but Italian that was being spoken. In her attempt to reply the only thing that came out from behind the tight gag was a series of soft grunts. This was wrong. Italy didn't need to do this, and whatever Ivan had said to him to make him do it, they could change it! Sadly she couldn't express that with the cloth shoved into her mouth.

At this point Ivan could not suppress the wide grin that had taken it's position across his face. It really was working. It broke his heart to know that he would have to release the Italian after this since he really was doing so well. Maybe they could make sore sort of mutual agreement that he would return every once in a while to fill this very job. The same tricks wouldn't work a second time, but he was already looking forward to seeing what else his pet could come up with.

Feliciano chuckled somewhat darkly. He turned the lights on now. The begining of his plan had worked well enough to please the Italian. Once the light was on, Feliciano smiled widely at the young one.

"Ciao, Bella" He said softly, smirking as he spoke. He kneeled down in front of her. "You know. Only two years ago, it was still culturaly acceptable in my country to punish naughty children. It may not have been entirely legal but my country has problems with their laws. Shall we pretend that this that time? I have heard that you have been very naughty. So I'll give you two choices. But both are punishments." He paused, smirking slightly still. "There's what was culturaly acceptable, which means I can beat you as long as you can cover up the marks with clothing. Or.: He paused again. "There is always the mafia way. That still exists." The Italian watched her eyes as he spoke. The way a woman's eyes moved showed everything he would need to know to begin his work. Either way, Feliciano was glad to be able to at leats remain in his comfort zone. It made this a little easier on him.

Why would Feliciano be getting involved in this? He always seemed to weak and frail. From what she had heard he also slacked off during training with the German. On top of all of that he acted so sweet and naive, only ever talking about pasta and pretty girls. From the moment he started explaining his plans her face hardened into a hateful scowl, keeping her eyes locked on his. Any pity she had from him for anything Ivan had done was slipping away quickly. If her hands were free she would be reaching for the dagger on her waist, instead continuing to fight with the ropes that were now biting into her skin. If she could speak he would have gotten quite the colourful response. Her breath picked up and she began to shake slightly, both from a mixture of fear and irrepressible anger. The first choice sounded better, since she doubted there was anything he could do that Ivan hadn't already, but since he gave her no way to respond she assumed he had already made the choice by her actions. Assuming that it probably wouldn't be the one she wormed slightly and swung her leg in attempt to kick him in the face.

Watching all of this from afar, Ivan was amazed by how things were going. He never would have imagined that the Italian could be so dark. There was no concern that the Feliciano would back out now, even if he didn't believe it he was enjoying himself a little. He thing he wasn't quite sure of was if she was just trying to provoke him it if she was truly this close to the line already. No matter, Feliciano's response would have to be a good one with the way things were progressing.

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