Part 6

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Ivan carefully pushed the door open, not certain of what he would find waiting inside. He had heard that the Italian had little to no shame about his body and enjoyed running around in the nude. Personally he was much more shy with his own body, and only removed his scarf for showers and sleeping in which case he was alone.

"I have a troublesome relative that I wish would learn to behave so easily." he stated as he handed the clothes over. Most of them were polite and followed instructions to as least some extent. There were a couple that were a little more rebellious and one in particular simply refused to listen. Dealing with that one grew old very quickly because even after doing his worst the rebel would just keep smirking and making snark comments. Despite his attempt to keep his eyes on the clothes he couldn't resist checking the damage he had managed to do. It was like admiring a painting that one had just finished, and he was proud of his masterpiece.

Feliciano looked at Ivan with a soft expression, almost like a smile. He nodded softly as the clothes were put out for him.

"Grazie" he thanked, pushing himself up and out of the tub once he was as clean as he could get. He breathed slowly and softly, discovering that it hurt less to do that than to try and breath quickly. After a few more moments he was in the clothing Ivan had brought him. They fit well enough for Feliciano's comfort. Once he'd managed to dress himself he looked at Ivan again, standing rather still and saying nothing more, only waiting for Ivan to tell him what to do. Feliciano's breathing remained soft as he stood, barely even rising the small ones stomach. The softer he breathed in the less pain he felt in his chest.

It was unnatural how relaxed the Italian was about being completely naked in front of him. No one had been that comfortable with really anything around him, especially not their unclothed bodies.

"You promise to do anything I tell you, my rab?" he asked casually. The Italian already said so, but he just wanted to be sure. He wanted him to promise so that there was no backing out of it, because he was positive Feliciano would be more than resistant to what he had in mind. With a promise the punishment for disobeying would be greater than anything he could imagine. This time he didn't want to be refused. All the other times had been tests to see if the pet was trained to follow his commands. This time he was going to he completely serious about it. Any rebellion would pull at his greatest anger, and he wanted Feliciano to know it.

Feliciano blinked at Ivan in confusion. He already had agreed to do so, just agreeing to the Russian's last request should have been enough proof of that but he nodded.

"S-Si I w-will." He nodded softly. He took a deep breath and nodded again, wincing just a bit. He quickly returned to breathing softly. "I will do what you tell me to." He added, though figured he should say that he promised, but he was nervous to do so. He really hoped Ivan wouldn't make him do anything to out of his morals, but he said so anyways. "I promise" he finished, looking at the Russian, slightly nervous about what he was going to be asked to do. Whatever it was, Feliciano would try but he wasn't capable of everything.

"Korosho!" Ivan exclaimed happily. The thought of using him as a toy more than a pet had crossed his mind, but he had the Lithuanian for that. He knew nothing of how the Italian acted and chose to stick to the tried and true. Besides, as far as he knew the German had already claimed his property and the thought was slightly repulsive. Something much darker and likely harder for Feliciano to do with a clean conscious had come to mind. He lifted the pipe but didn't touch it to anything, instead waiting for the Italian to take hold if it.

"You remember how I got you to beg, da? I want you to do that to someone else. I believe you know her; your grandfather and her mother were friends." Over the years she had grown accustomed to his treatments and immune as well. His hopes were that a change in style from a new person might help. Plus there were things even he wouldn't do to a little sister; things that Feliciano could. He would be right beside him the entire time, watching and guiding, but he wanted to see how well this would work. Something had to break and he believed he had just obtained the piece to help with that. The three were too scared to do anything and cherished her kindness above their own health. The Italian had just promised to be the exception.

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