Our life, our rules pt. 1

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"Av? Earth calling Avery!"

Jared was waving in front of me when I realized what's going on. I was just starring at him for the past minute totally shut down.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a kind smile as he caressed my cheek and I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah... what... did you say?"

"I said that yes, I can believe it. I kind of had the feeling that something was up for the past week. You were just so in denial, I was like, alright she's gonna realize it sooner than later," he waved. "We'll be good. And I'll be always here for you. This is now my number one project. Can't wait to see it; the little bump," he breathed, placing his palm onto my belly.

I smiled up to him with a nod, just still processing as I hugged him again, pushing my face into his neck.

"What happened to your beard?" I mumbled.

"Got itchy. Needed a trim, my moisturizer couldn't reach my face anymore."

I nodded, taking a deep breath as he spoke up again.

"I know you are still in a haze but we gotta go tell Sky!"

"Why? Already?" I asked, trying to control my overflowing emotions.

"She was the one buying the tests," he smiled.

"Oh," I nodded trying to even out my breath.

After giving me a couple of minutes to gather myself, Jared led me downstairs where Sky was sitting in the hall, jumping onto her feet as she heard us approaching.

"So?" she asked with excitement, her hands in fists; ready to cheer.

Looking at Jared, I gave him the greenlight and he spoke up with a grin.

"We are pregnant!"

"Holy Guacamole! Avery!" she squealed jumping to hug me then turned to Jared.

"Way to go grandpa! Congrats!" she squeezed him too.

"Shut up!" Jared muttered, pushing her away but then smiled, shaking his head.

"So you guys are... Jarjar said that you actually planned on having a baby; does that mean you are going to have the wedding like before you show or after the little one arrives?" Sky asked excited. "I am ready to help with anything!"

I looked up to Jared, just now realizing that we still haven't talked about marriage and to be honest, I would love to do it before the baby comes or even shows, but that means like real soon.

Now everything just turned upside down and it's only been minutes since I found out I'm pregnant.

"Uh, we haven't really discussed it yet," Jared answered, looking at me questioningly.

"Oh, you can also have it when you are showing! I mean if anyone, it's Avery who could totally pull off the pregnant bride style. Like an angelic, lacey gown, your hair decorated with pearls; you could totally outshine Beyoncé's baby belly. Like you are thousand times more magical with that hair and skin and..."

"Okay, okay, Sky chill out, and thanks for the help, but now leave," Jared stopped her mid sentence as he started to shush her out.

I couldn't help but smile, feeling totally confused about what should our next step be, yet at peace with where we are.

"So, first things first, Mama. We need a doc's appointment."

I looked at Jared stunned as he looked at me raising an eyebrow, like calling me "Mama" is nothing special, but it made the butterflies in my stomach roam around more.

Truly-Madly-Deeply AssistantWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu