Take the car

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and opinions under the previous part, it gave me many ideas and I already have a lot in mind for next chapters thanks to all of you! <3

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm at seven, which was nothing but a quiet guitar solo. I opened my eyes, quickly turning it off, but I wasn't fast enough; I heard Jared moaning next to me turning to his stomach, throwing his arm around my belly.

Turning my head towards him, I saw him opening one of his eyes but then closed it back, half asleep.

Smiling I caressed his arm as I turned onto my side to face him.

The blanket was only until his waist and as I felt like the room is quite cold, I pulled it more up on his body, leaving a kiss on his cheek what brought a sleepy smile onto his face.

"Sleep, baby," I whispered as I sat up.

"Stay a bit longer, please," he muttered grabbing the ends of my hair to hold me back.

"I'm just gonna put some laundry in and come back, how's that?" I asked leaning back onto my elbow.

"Bit better," he mumbled letting my hair go to wipe his mouth with his palm, he was most probably drooling.

I just chuckled laying back, sneaking up close to him, pecking his lips.

"It might be so easy to fall asleep with you but so hard to get up," I smiled to his lips and even though I smelled the saliva on his beard and his morning breath, that still couldn't make me get out of bed.

He just smiled again by my words, still with closed eyes.

I quickly got out of bed to take care of the laundry. I put in some sheets and blankets what Lynn will use and I also piled up my clothes to put in next.

After turning on the first load I decided I don't need hours to clean my apartment. A quick vacuuming and some tidying up will be just enough as I didn't really spend much time here anyway, so I hurried back to the bedroom just after ten minutes.

Jared was still in the same position, seemed like he fell back asleep, but when I laid back onto the bed, he opened his eyes.

"Do you have any plans for you and your bestie for tomorrow?" he asked.

"No, not yet," I shrugged. "Maybe ar..."

"Good, because I do," he grinned as he sat up so fast like he has been awake for hours.

"You do?" I asked interested raising my eyebrows.

"Tomorrow evening we are going to be live on Jimmy Kimmel. Just a five-minute chat and then we play either Rescue me or Dangerous night. In the morning me and Shan are going to the studio for some rehearsals, then going live in the evening," explained kicking the sheet off of himself. "What about showing Lynn the Hollywood lifestyle and join us for the day?" he asked with a proud smile, again like his ideas cannot be anything but fabulous.

I thought about it with a smile knowing already that my cousin is all about today's celebs and this would blow her mind to be in the center of the celebrity scene. This certainly was a fabulous idea.

"Actually, sounds pretty amazing. She would love it," I smiled excited. "If it's not a bother to anyone..."

"It's a deal then. You girls are going to be our plus ones," he grinned pushing me back onto my back and placed a long kiss on my lips.

"Wait a minute," my eyes grew wide as I pushed him a bit more away by his chest to look at him.

"It's the same New Year's pre-party live where...."

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