Tips and tricks

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Happy weekend all,

Early update since I am facing a busy Sunday; I'm not sure I will be able to get to the computer so I finished this chap up today. ^^

We finally find out what's up with Avery, and after your nerves are a bit more calm, the next chapter will be Jared's POV flashback which still only lives in my head but I am very excited to write it all out.

Enjoy, let me know your thoughts ^^

"Hey, babe, you're done? What did they say?" Jared answered the phone immediately when I called.

It was Monday morning and I just finished up with my doctor's appointment, and it seemed like that was only the start of the day.

I sighed, looking out of the window from the fourth floor.

"They said I have an enlarged cyst on my right ovary, and also another small one on my left..."

"What does that mean?" he asked impatiently.

"It... they said that cysts can disappear on their own in a couple of months and that is what they are hoping for with the left one but... since the right one is too big and it hurts, it needs to be removed. I have to get surgery next week."

"What? Is that safe? What kind of surgery is that?"

"Doc said it is routine and I should not stress about it... but, now I have to go for blood and urine test and they will review my medical history as well."

He was in silence for a moment before he answered.

"Okay, so let's sum this up. They will test you if you can undergo surgery, then since it is routine, they will just get that fucker out and you will be perfect as ever, yeah?" his voice was calm and as he talked about it, it didn't sound that harsh.

"Yes... yes and... it is something called... I'm not sure but the incision will be very small so recovery shouldn't last more than a couple days as far as bed rest go," I nodded.

"Good," he sighed.

"But... there's something else..." I stated uncertain.

Until I didn't call him I was sure I won't tell this to him, since it might not even be the case, but thinking about how angry he was when I hung up on Sky and didn't call him as soon as I woke up to tell him what happened at the party, I didn't want to risk it.

He still doesn't know the whole truth but now he knows Lora is out to get me, and he plans to confront her as soon as he gets home.

He wanted to call his lawyer straight away, but I told him it might just be enough if he himself talks to Lora, because seems like she only has a big mouth when Jared is not around as if she doesn't want to get into conflict with him. 

"What?" his dead serious voice hit me.

"Doctor said that there is a chance that a cyst as big and painful as this can be... cancerous, but they can only tell once they tested a sample of it... and if... that's the case then, depending on the amount of cancerous cells they might need to remove one or both ovaries," I explained as I remembered hearing it from the gynecologist.

The long silence made me uneasy.

"Jared?" I asked uncertain.

"Yeah... yeah, no. I mean come on, you are a healthy, young woman; you have nothing to worry about, flower. You will be just fine. When will you get appointment for the surgery?" he asked, his voice faded.

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