Here goes nothing

673 16 13

Hey there reader ^^

The reason for the "late" update is my lack of creativity. I rewrote this part like 3 times and now it is kind of readable, but not really proud of it. I guess I was overthinking a lot, as there could have been a lot of other scenarios or happenings in this party scene but had to choose one which can carry the story on rather than just giving fluff after fluff.

Anyway, enjoy and next time I try to come up with something quicker :D

Just a couple minutes before 6 in the evening, Olivia took a last look around the house if everything is ready for the guests while I was helping Shannon to arrange the karaoke gear at the other end of the living room.

"Are you staying for the party?" I asked turning to Olivia.

I wore the same black lace dress I wore for my dinner with Jared and Shannon as I really didn't have many fancy outfits, but Olivia was still in casual.

"Noh, no, I'm calling quits, I will have an audition early in the morning tomorrow, and although I love the names on the guest list, I'm not quite sure I would have a lot in common with them, just yet," she chuckled and I nodded.

"I feel you; I haven't attended any of these parties either. Hopefully will survive," I smiled feeling a bit anxious.

"I don't blame you; I mean Kanye West rsvp'd; he will be here as well," she pulled a face and I just gulped, she did not help my anxiety.

I was just about to say something when Jared walked down the stairs.

"Ready to rock," he opened his arms, showing off his outfit.

He wore black striped silk pants with a loose green button-up shirt with an even greener floral pattern. His hair combed back and chose to put on some glasses as well.

Before any of us could react, the doorbell rang.

"And this is my outro," smiled Olivia grabbing her bag.

I chuckled as I walked after Olivia.

When she walked to the front door, she opened it for the first arrivals.

Two tall, slim and very beautiful women were standing there and before any of us could say hello they walked in with a smile when they saw Jared further down the hall.

"Jared," they giggled and the next moment I got two coats pushed into my hands as they marched towards him like they would be on a catwalk, their long, tacky dresses floating behind them.

"And the rest of the Gucci gang has arrived," whispered Olivia as she probably saw my stunned face what wasn't hidden behind the coats.

"Who?" I asked uncertain.

I felt like I saw them somewhere, but I wasn't quite sure how they are in the "eighteen friends" group.

"Julia and Vera... the ones from the Gucci commercial; the guilty one," explained Olivia and I nodded.

"Oh... but, they are not friends, are they?" I was really confused, and Olivia laughed.

"No, but since Jared didn't want to invite any "lady friend" who he even made out with, that left us with a very male dominated guest list, so we had to come up with some other guests," she grinned.

"Oh," I couldn't help but chuckle on this in sync with Olivia.

"Okay, I gotta go, have fun," she smiled, and I tried to wave, with the coats in my hands.

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