[3] " Aren't they both the same?"

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"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
~C.S. Lewis

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A dream for many. But a reality for some.

Institude of Medical Sciences and Research, SPACE, is an institute that reserves some of its seats for All India Rankers(just like any govt. institute) and the rest for management quota entrants which is necessary for any private institution. Out of all, it has 3 seats dedicated to Oberoi's Brightstar Scholarship. And those who make themselves eligible for these 3 seats can be considered as real stars.

Just as we speak of it, a girl in a black kurta and jeans enters the premises of SPACE with a sling bag on her shoulders and a nervous yet satisfactory smile on her face.

" Excuse me. Can you show me the way to the trustees cabin?", she asks  the two boys, nearly of her age, dressed in expensive and classy attires, who were strolling around the campus as if they owned it.

They turned to her and their expressions turned into a smirk seeing the petite girl. Seeing her attire, they could easily make it out that she was a small town girl. A commoner- in their words.

" Ya sure. Go straight from here. Then take the second left and then the first right. You'll be there.", the elder one among them said with an extra sweet smile, but the girl didn't notice the smirk that they suppressed. She smiled at them and started walking, following their instructions.

When she took the second left, she found herself in a common corridor and highly suspected her saviours. Why would the trustee of such a renowned university have his cabin in such a common place?

Neverthless, being the innocent girl that she was, she followed the proper directions and took the first right. But she highly regretted her decision when she found herself standing outside the boys washroom.

Embarrased would be an understatement. She was literally seeing red.

The situation worsened when someone came out of it while zipping his pants completely unaware of her presence outside. When he noticed her standing, he suddenly turned in embarrasment. Then after finishing his bussiness, rushed from there, not before cursing her for coming there without any shame.

She heard laughter from her back and turned to see the same two boys who gave her these wrong directions, now standing there laughing their guts out.

She felt ashamed. Ashamed of what happened. Tears formed at the back of her eyes and she fisted her hands tightly to stop herself from letting them fall. But those traitors! A drop slid down her cheeks and she immediately wiped it off before anyone could notice. She had never faced something like this. She was always protected by her father. And even in school, none of her schoolmates ever humiliated her like this.

But one of the boys seemed to have noticed her sullen face coz he suddenly alerted the other and asked him to stop laughing. But unable to decipher his gestures, the other one was continuously laughing causing more and more embarrassment for the girl.

" What's happening there?", came a very strict voice startling the three. The two boys looked scared and composed themselves immediately while the girl continued to look down.

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