Chapter Fourteen-The Last Supper

Start from the beginning

"You know guys, one thing that really pissed me off back there in the cyber café was seeing how toxic so many of the social media sites have become. I couldn't believe how divisive everyone was, really arguing and getting nasty, unfriending each other because they don't agree over what's really happening. We can all have a difference of opinion, and agree to disagree, but this level of aggression and attacks I've never seen it to this extent among so called mature adults." Ronnie paused, he sounded sad, genuinely concerned by what he'd observed.

"You know, I'd see people in certain groups just asking genuine questions and being attacked and ridiculed. It's as if something has been unleashed within people, nasty Nazi cyber bullies, even people I once respected. We've all been under a lot of strain and lives turned upside down but I'm seeing a darkness in a lot of people that I've not seen before. Some stupid bastard was even talking about going around with a gun and shooting all those who disobey the law or those that don't wear masks! What the hell has happened in these last couple of months?"

Ricardo spoke up from the front of the car, "Yes, I have seen it too a lot here in Spain. It's brought to the surface all the old political division, old wounds that hadn't healed. Far right and far left. All extremes. As you say, toxic is the word and people become very brave with a keyboard and screen in front of them but see how brave they really are face to face! But of course, I am much more concerned here with the military in charge right now, it's everything I dreaded happening in Spain again. If things were calmer in the rest of Europe and the world, well then perhaps a resolution could be found far quicker but right now, Spain is not the most important thing on the world agenda. It's almost as if humanity has been inching towards war purposefully particularly for the last five years, I've noticed that vibe."

"Yes" I responded, "I quickly checked out some groups I'm in and was horrified to see the same thing, such vitriol amongst former friends and acquaintances. It's as if people have lost all logic and have been taken over by some kind of entity, I swear some of them were almost unrecognizable! It makes me think Ricardo what you said about the Spanish civil war and what an old friend told me about his life in the former Yugoslavia, friends and neighbors turning on each other. Of course there were the good people who remained loyal no matter what but it's always shocked me how religion and politics can drive people to the edge of insanity and add to that the potent mix of fear and economic collapse..."

"Strange time guys, strange times." muttered Ronnie.

I was relieved to see the house come into view and the beauty of the surrounding countryside. Nature was our saving grace. The thought of being in lockdown surrounded by concrete and grey was unimaginable; humans, like animals, were never meant to be kept locked up in small boxes or cages. I had always felt like a nomad, the urge to keep moving, exploring the planet, not stuck in one place.

Summer and Effie were outside, sitting close together whilst summer softly strummed the guitar. It was a comforting scene to be honest after our latest adventure in town.

"Skye, maybe you should go lie down for a while after what happened. I really think you need some rest" said Jim gently. Effie looked up concerned.

"It's okay Effie, it was just my blood pressure again but we did have some stress, the boys can fill you in on that one. I'm going up for a rest." I kissed the top of her head and made my way to my room, eager for some quiet time and space from the world.

As I lay there, I went over the day's events in my head. Already so much had happened, so much had been shared and it was still only afternoon. God knows what would happen tonight at the meditation session. It really did feel like time was speeding up and we were living years in a matter of days.

Despite all my premonitions, and despite the warnings, I still couldn't quite believe all this was really happening. I honestly did feel that I would wake up one day and this was all an unbelievably bad dream, no matter the good moments. Perhaps this was also why people were acting so completely out of sorts, they simply could not comprehend the massive shift in world events...

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