Mirio x Traumatized!FemReader

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(Warning Spoilers! If you have not watched season 4 of Mha then please forgive watch it now before reading this chapter)

Age: 17
Quirk: Vision (When you sleep you can dream an important scene that plays out in front of you as if you were there yourself, but only important scenes)
Quirk 2: Rampage (When you are mad or upset your body lights up and sends off a huge Shockwave that pushes things back, the more upset you are the more powerful the Shockwave gets. Also your opponents will be paralyzed for 10 minutes)

Sir Nighteye's P.O.V

I was sitting at my desk still watching the same All Might video I've watched for the 7th time today. While Y/n my daughter sat next to my desk with her ear buds in listening to music. Even though she loves music she doesn't smile or dance to it. Nothing. She just sits there and listens to it. With a plain face showing no emotion. When she was younger she use to dance to it all the time but now she doesn't. I mean it's not her fault that she's like this. I still remember the one night that had changed her forever.


Y/n was such a happy, funny, energetic child that always made my day. No matter how bad of a day I had from work. Whenever I would come home and see her smiling face, it would make my day every time. Until one night when she was 7 years old we were both sleeping soundly until I heard a scream. It was Y/n's scream. I jumped out of bed and ran as fast as I could to her room. Once there I saw that she was no longer in her bed, but her window was wide open. With the fear of knowing that she had just been kidnapped I ran out of the house and searched the whole neighborhood trying to find her only to end up empty handed. There was no sign of them at all. I went back home and cried myself to sleep, but I ain't giving up until I find her. So early in the morning I started a huge search party just to find my daughter. After about 11 months almost a year we had finally found her. She was found by FatGum and the police in an abandoned building. I rushed over there and saw that they had been arresting 5 men that had been involved in my daughters kidnapping. I looked around to see FatGum and walked over to him. "Where's my daughter?!" I shouted as I felt tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. FatGum pointed to an ambulance as I followed his finger to see my daughter sitting on the back of the ambulance. I smiled with joy and ran over to her. I immediately hugged her tightly and picked her up. She was trembling so I wrapped her f/c blanket around her. Thankfully I brought it since it was cold and she barely has any clothes on. "Daddy? Is that you?" she asked just above a whisper. "Yes sunflower it's me.... I am so sorry" I cried as I felt her hug back. "What are you sorry for?" she asked. "I am so sorry that I wasn't able to protect you from the bad men" I sobbed more. "But I'm okay now so don't cry" she said making me feel better. I placed her on my hip and saw that she held only a small smile. After that she was never the same. She wasn't happy but she wasn't completely sad either, she wasn't as cheerful anymore, and she didn't even smile as much as she use to. All she did was play in her room or read a book and that was about it. It broke me knowing she'll never be the same after what she had went through. I promised myself that I wouldn't use my quirk on her but now I regret not doing it in the first place.

End of Flashback~

Years went by and all I can do is make her smile but not laugh. As a matter of fact no one could, I was the only person that could make her at least smile. I'm glad I can put a smile back on her face but I miss her laugh I miss her being happy and being herself. Plus, she now has a huge phobia of the unknown so she's constantly scared. To the point where she hates being in the dark. So I have a nightlight next to her bed so her room is lite up. But other than that she's closed off, barely talks, doesn't have friends, all she does is read a book or do more homework. I mean I'm not completely complaining but I still miss her old self. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I gave a small "Come in" and saw that it was Mirio. "Good morning Sir!" Mirio said smiling his usual cheery smile. "Good morning Mirio have you finished the paperwork I gave you?" I asked as he handed me the said papers. I took them from his hand and began to type away at my computer. "Um Sir who's that?" Mirio asked pointing to Y/n. "That's right you two've never met before and I don't think I've mentioned her at all" I said looking back at Mirio. "That's my daughter
Y/n" I said calmly. "What?! You never told me you had a daughter!" Mirio shouted in shock. "Yeah sorry now the reason she's here is because she has gotten ahead of school so much that she has the next 2 weeks off" I said proudly knowing my daughter is so smart that the school has given her a break from all her hard work. But I still wish that she wasn't alone. "Wow! Seriously?! Dang she must be super smart if she's able to pull that off" Mirio said smiling. Then out of nowhere I had an idea pop into my head. Mirio is known for making good jokes and just being plain silly so I'll have him do a favor for me. "Mirio can you do me a huge favor" I said looking down at my desk. "Of course Sir! Anything! What is it you need me to do?" Mirio asked waiting for my orders. I looked up and said "Please... make my daughter laugh". Mirio was absolutely shocked at what I had just said but soon after a few more minutes of silence I explained why I asked that question. "I understand Sir and I think I know the perfect way on how to make her laugh" Mirio said leaving the room. I walked over to Y/n and tapped her shoulder. She looked up at me then paused her music pulling her ear buds out. "Someone's here to see you" I said smiling a small smile to her. She smiled back as we waited patiently for Mirio to come back. Once he came back he had his hero suit on. Y/n watched as he disappeared into the floor. She looked at the floor with amazement then Mirio appeared on the wall but only his face showed. "Hey Y/n, look at me" Mirio said as Y/n looked up and started............... Laughing. She was laughing! I listened to her laugh closely as if it were music to my ears. Which it was. I smiled brightly and hugged Y/n as she hugged back. "I've missed your laugh" I said as a single tear slipped out. "I know sorry Dad" she said. I pulled away and looked at her smiling. "You have nothing to be sorry about I'm just glad you laughed" I said as I turned around and faced Mirio. "Thank you Mirio thank you" I said hugging him. He hugged back "Anything for you Sir"

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