Deku x Pirate Reader Pt. 2

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(Another flashback sorry)


Third person P.O.V

Y/n was at the wheel on the ship heading toward Malwaka. A place full of assassin samurai's that will kill anyone for money and status. While other samurai's do it for honor and fight for the good of others. Once the crew boarded the dock they headed into town to get supplies for the ship. Y/n and Deku were just walking around until they heard a man cry for help. They immediately ran toward the source of the distress, to find an elderly man being threatened to empty his pockets by three filthy thugs. "Hey! Hands off him now!" Y/n jumped into action as she had caught the men's attention. "Oh yeah, whatcha gon do about it girly" one of the men retorted. The other two snickered at his remark as Deku stepped in. "I wouldn't tempt her if I were you, that's the great Captain Ruby of the Black Skull" Deku grinned. "Tch, yeah right! She ain't nothing but a fairytale, a myth! Now get lost before you two get hurt-" the man holding the elder hostage was knocked out cold as the other two stood there dumbfounded. "Wanna bet I ain't?" Y/n smirked. "What th-" before the man could speak, Y/n quickly approached him and punched him in the gut as he was sent flying back. The last man standing was about to attack until Y/n crouched down and kicked his legs from underneath him. Making him fall on his back as he groaned. Y/n stood up and pushed her boot heel onto the man's chest as she bent down to look the man in the eyes. "Now don't ever do anything like this again, ok mate?" Y/n asked as the man trembling underneath her nodded violently. And just like that, the men were gone. Y/n and Deku looked at each other and stared as they got closer. Y/n towering over Deku made him blush a little, as Y/n wrapped an arm around Deku's waist to pull him closer. "I love you" Deku swooned. "I love you too" they continue to stare into each other's eyes, lips almost touching, though it immediately became awkward when the elder coughed to get the couples attention. "Excuse me for intruding on your moment, but I would like to repay you for saving my life" the elder spoke as he approached the couple. "Oh please, there's no need to repay us we're just glad your okay" Y/n spoke getting a little embarrassed by what the man almost witnessed. "No no, I insist it's the least I can do for such kind hearted pirates such as yourselfeves" the elder spoke. The couple looked at one another before nodding their heads in agreement. They couldn't argue with the man since they knew he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. The two followed the man to a house. "What exactly is your name sir?" Y/n asked. "Oh right, I never properly introduced myself have I? My bad, I am Wan Shang" Wan spoke. "Wait! As in the retired famous Dragon Warrior?!" Deku exclaimed with excitement as he started to geek out. Y/n and Wan didn't bother to stop his rambles as he went on and on. Until Y/n cleared her throat, to which made Deku realize he needed to stop. "Oh sorry! I read alot about things" Deku nervously spoke as Wan chuckled. "It's fine young man, I'm glad to know you are very well educated, and yes I am the retired Dragon Warrior" Wan spoke as made it to the front door of the fairly large house. As they walked in, they all had a feast with Wan's son and wife as they chatted up a storm. Wan also gave Y/n his old samurai sword that held a red dragon carved on the case.

Time skip

After the feast Y/n and Deku were being escorted back to the docks by Wan. "It was great meeting you mister Wan" Deku and Y/n said in unison. The man smiled and nodded as Deku spoke up. "I'll be on the boat waiting for ya" Deku kissed Y/n's cheek as he sped off. Y/n put a hand to her cheek where Deku had kissed and smiled. "He's really important to you isn't he?" Wan asked with a smug grin. "Indeed he is, if course this is where we part ways now, so farewell Wan" Y/n smiled as she put her captains hat back on. As she walked away she suddenly heard a familiar voice boom "Now Die!". She spun back around, only to see the thugs from earlier drop a bomb next to Wan. "No!" Y/n shouted as she ran toward Wan, but found herself too late. Wan was gone. As she held his lifeless body, little did she know that she was being watched by 2 assassins that were the students of Wan. "She'll pay for killing Master Wan" one of them spoke. The two of them were known as the killer Koi fish twins.

Random MHA Oneshots!  (but mostly Deku)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن