All Might x FemReader

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(Please read, the first part is when All Might is in his young age. After that it's the present with him being a UA teacher)

Quirk: Teleportation (Your body can disappear and reappear in different places as long as you know what the places looks like. If someone touches you they teleport with you)

Young All Mights P.O.V

I was on my normal morning patrol, like usual with Dave. I standing on an office building looking over the city as I watched people walk the streets on this peaceful day. "It's pretty quite today, nice, isn't it?" Dave said. "It is, but I feel like something is about to happen" I spoke. As if on que I heard gunshots in the distance. "You just had to jinx it, didn't you?" Dave sighed. "I didn't jinx it I just felt it in my gut" I said jumping into Dave's car. He hopped in and drove us straight toward the danger. As we got there I noticed a police force already surrounding the building, as seeing it was a small store. The criminal being inside. I jumped out the car and landed in front of the building. "All Might! Be careful!" I heard Dave shout as I gave him a thumbs up. Walking into the building I immediately saw the culprit had the citizens tied up in a circle with their mouths taped shut, right in the middle. I was about to walk over to them but they looked at me and shook their heads. As if they were trying to warn me. Then again this could be a trap. "Show yourself villain!" I shouted. "Ahh All Might so nice of you to join us, I wouldn't step any closer, unless you want all of these people to be incinerated" the man spoke as he revealed the flammable canister in between the citizens. "And I know you wouldn't want that right?" he asked as he pointed a gun to the canisters. I used my power to quickly grab the man's hand to throw his gun away. He escaped my grasp as he took a hostage in his arms and held a knife to her throat. "Alright All Might! If you don't let me go I'll Slice this pretty ladies throat!" the man threatened. I quickly rushed over and punched the man, making sure to not hit the lady in his arms. The man was knocked right into the wall and passed out. "Are you alright there ma'am?" I asked. She looked a bit stunned but then shook her head. "Oh yes, I'm fine just a bit shaken up is all" she spoke. In all honesty I don't think she is okay. "Are you sure?" I asked again. "Yes I'm fiinn-" she suddenly passed out as I reached out for her. I put my arm around her back and waist. "Miss?! Please, answer me?!" I panicked. She opened her eyes slightly. "I-I that man pushed some type of syringe into my back andmade me feel a bit numb and tired, but also my back hurts" she spoke faintly. "Don't worry I'm gonna get you some help" I spoke as I set her down gently as I untied the others and had them go out side the store. I tied up the culprit and handed him to the police. I soon rushed back in and grabbed the women from before. "Miss, what is your name?" I asked. "It's Y/n" she spoke. "Ok Y/n don't worry I'm gonna get you to a medic" I spoke as I exited the store. "Is there a medic here?!" I shouted. Dave came right over and looked the women. "What happened?" he asked worriedly. "Apparently the man stuck a syringe in her back and she said she's in pain, numb, and tired" I explained as he took a tablet and scanned her. I don't know why but I couldn't help myself as to stare at this beautiful lady. Like something about her is dragging my attention to her. Her h/c hair tickling my chest as her head rested on it. Her soft skin and rested face were magnificent. "All Might!" I heard Dave shout. I snapped out of my thoughts quickly as I looked back at him. "You have to get her to a hospital now" he spoke with concern. I nodded as I sped off to the nearest hospital.

Time skip

The lady woke up as I entered her room. "Hello miss? You remember me?" I asked holding the bouquet of sunflowers in my hand. "Oh! All Might! What are you doing here? And with, flowers?" she asked confused. "Well, I was quite worried about you, I was worried I couldn't save you on time" I spoke standing next to her bed. "Well as you can see I'm fine now, so there's no need to worry anymore" she spoke kindly. "I know, I just wanted to make sure" I said rubbing my neck nervously. She's so beautiful with the sunlight coming through the window. "Um, thank you for the flowers, you can just set them down now" she spoke nervously. I didn't realize it but I was closer and handing her the flowers in her face. I blinked then blushed madly as I stepped back. "Are um- you okay?" she asked me as I just stood there mouth agape as I snapped out of it and set the flowers down. "Oh um yes! I just think your beautiful" I spoke then froze. Did I seriously just say that?! "Oh u-um th-thank you" she spoke shyly as a blush formed on her face. She looks really cute when she blushes. "Well, I um I'm glad your okay, so now I'm gonna g-go, you know work calls" I rambled. "Right right your job, people need you" she spoke awkwardly as I walked slowly backward toward the door. Suddenly I hit my head on the top of the door frame. "Ow uh oops" I laughed nervously. "You ok?" she asked with concern. "Yes I'm fine anyway bye" I waved "Bye" she waved back.

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