Eri's Sister Part 2

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(Warning Spoilers! If you have not seen season 4 then you need to watch it before you read this!)

Eri's P.O.V

I hate seeing Sissy in 'the tank' but it keeps her body from aching, or more importantly, bleeding. Sometimes when the quirks are too much for her body to handle she'll get sore muscles, or cut wounds would open up randomly on her body. Chisaki Chronostasis and I walked to a big room that was empty. "Watch her Eri if Y/n starts to wake up you let us know got it" Chisaki demanded, his voice sounding a little angry. I flinched at his tone of voice and nodded. Chisaki and Chronostasis walked out of the room leaving some toys for me to play with if I get bored. Once they were gone I grabbed the toys and just stared at them. 'Please be ok Sissy' I thought as I laid down next to the tank.

Time skip

Chisaki's P.O.V

Everything was perfect, Y/n was contained and Eri was also locked in the room. My body guards are taking care of the hero's and police while Chronostasis and I stayed down on the lower level of the building. Making sure those 'heros' can't get to them, but that's if they can make it down here. Then I heard something coming our way. "Hero's!" Chronostasis yelled down the stairs as I also heard gun shots. 'Great just what I needed' I thought about how those hero's are fools to think they'll get past me. Once they came I saw it was the 2 heroes I met only 3 days ago. "Where are Y/n and Eri?! Tell us!" The green haired hero shouted. "And now why would I tell you that. You'll never get to them and you never will" I said. "Oh yeah we'll see about that!" The blonde hero shouted with confidence and determination.

Somewhere in between the fight

Eri's P.O.V

I heard yelling and loud noises coming from outside the room. Before Chisaki closed the door to lock us in I placed a small piece of flat thin metal between the door so it wouldn't lock. Luckily he didn't notice I put it there. I walked over to the door and opened the door to reveal a huge battle scene infront of me. The blonde and green haired heros saw me, Chisaki turned around to see me with shock and anger. "Eri?! Get back in that room now!" he shouted as he tried to reach for me but the green hero grabbed me first and got away safely. "Hide here for now ok I'll be right back" he said about to leave but before he could I grabbed his shirt. He looked back at me with concern as I spoke "Please save my Sissy too" I whimpered out. The hero nodded and patted my head smiling. "I will, I promise" he said as he sped off back to the battlefield.

Time skip After a lot of fighting, Mirio and Midoriya came out victorious

Midoriya's P.O.V

After defeating Chisaki Mirio held Eri in his arms as I busted down the door that held Y/n captive. We walked inside seeing it was dark. Earlier Eri explained to us that her sister Y/n was in a tank of some sort. We looked around until finally spotting a glowing tank with something inside it. "It that it Eri?" I asked her. She looked over and nodded as she climbed down from Mirio and ran over to the tank. She went behind it and started pushing it towards us. We walked over and helped her push it to get the tank out of the room. Y/n was curled up in a ball sound asleep in the tank, her h/l h/c hair swayed a little from the movement of the tank, plus a mask on her face that connected to an oxygen tank hanging on the side of the tank so she could breath. Once the tank was out of the room I was about to take the lid off to get Y/n out of there but suddenly Eri stopped me. "No Wait! You can't take her out yet! She's still healing" Eri cried. Mirio and I looked at each other confused then at Eri. "What do you mean she's healing?" Mirio asked kneeling down to her height. "Sissy has too many quirks for her body to handle so 'the tank' helps her body become stronger so she won't be in anymore pain" Eri explained. Our eyes widened at the new information we just received. So Chisaki was putting multiple quirks into Y/n's body, which causes her body to weaken and hurt? Now that's got my blood boiling. How could he do that to a child?! He is such a-! My thoughts were then interrupted when I felt arms wrap around me. I looked down to see Eri hugging me. "Thank you, for keeping your promise" she mumbled but I heard her. I smiled and hugged her back. "Of course, I would do anything for the two of you" "And so would I" Mirio said smiling. "Alright now let's get going" I said as we continued to move the tank.

Time skip

Once out of the hideout everyone was in complete shock to see Y/n in a tank. "Uh Deku why is the little girl Y/n in a tank?" FatGum asked. After explaining why, they finally understood. "So she has to stay in there until she wakes up?" Kirishima asked, as Eri nodded. "How long does it take fot her to wake up?" Aizawa asked. "Only 4 hrs or longer sometimes" Eri spoke as she looked over at the tank and pressed her hand against the glass staring at Y/n. "How long ago was she put in there?" Mirio asked. Eri thought for a minute before finally speaking "About 2 hrs ago" Eri answered. Then from there we went to the hospital. Mirio helped the paramedics carry the tank and it's needs to the ambulance to get it to the hospital. While we were also going to the hospital.

Time skip The next day after Sir Nighteye's Death 😭

I was in my hospital room with Y/n's tank next to my bed. She's still sleeping even though Eri said it would only take Y/n about 4 hours to wake up not a day. She must have been really tired if she's slept for this long. Then I heard someone enter the room, I looked up to see Eri and Mirio. "She's still sleeping?" Mirio asked surprised that Y/n's still sleeping. I nodded as he walked over to the tank and looked at Y/n. We all stared at her in silence. Then we saw her face move as if she were dreaming. "What do you think she's dreaming about?" Mirio asked. "I don't know" I said unsure. Just then her eyes opened and she stared right at us. She pressed her hand up against the glass as Eri placed hers on the same spot. "Your awake!" Eri shouted in what sounded like happiness but she didn't smile. Mirio quickly opened the lid to the tank as I reached into the tank and lifted Y/n out of it taking her mask off. I didn't care if I got wet, I only cared about making sure Y/n was ok. She coughed and leaned her head against my chest as I cradled her in my arms. "That's right just breathe" I whispered calmly to her. Y/n fluttered her eyes open and looked up at us. "Thank goodness your awake now!" Mirio shouted in happiness. "I'm so glad you woke up" I said. "E-Eri?" Y/n stuttered out as she reached out for Eri. I put her down as the two of them hugged each other.

(Part 3 will come tomorrow)

Random MHA Oneshots!  (but mostly Deku)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat