we're fucked

679 19 9

Hi everyone, another A/N but I need to rant

So Amy Coney Barrett was but into Supreme Court. Only a month after Ruth Bader Ginsburg death..
If you are reading this book you more then likely support gay marriage, ACAB, woman's right and more.
As a woman in the LGBTQ community, I'm fucking scared.
If you don't support the LGBTQ community or support trump, I have two questions.
1. Why do you feel like we shouldn't be able to be happy?
2. Can you give me an actually good reason why you don't support gay marriage that doesn't involve religion?

I'm almost 100% sure by this time next year I won't have to right to an abortion if I need one and the right to marriage.

Please I'm begging you if you are of age to vote. PLEASE VOTE BLUE. I beg you

On another note I'm working on a longer story right box also I want to get more headcanons out tomorrow for my lack of updates. Please give me some ideas for more stories I've run out of them!
Thank you for reading this, have a good night.

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