First time 18+

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I'm about to sin i'm writing my first smut, I tried my best. Both are 18-19 in this. I tried my best in this.

Warning: sexual themes, swearing

No ones POV:

Today was the day Vincent was going to tell John he was ready. He was nervous but, he knew he could trust John. Him and John have been dating since sophomore year of high school and there now both in college. Vincent is the art department of the university and John is at collage on a football scholarship. They might be in different parts of the school in different courses but they always see each other at home. They both live in shared one bedroom apartment. They usually get off a hour apart,Vincent usually the first to arrive home. He set down his portfolio case and went to there shared room with a plastic bag with two items in it, condoms and lube.
(I can't believe I tipped those words in)

Vincent order dinner for the two so it would be hear before John got home. He was a nervous reak trying to think how he tell John we was ready to finally do it. He loved John with everything he had and knew John loved him in return. He was thinking for so long he didn't realize it until he heard the doorbell ring. Food has already arrived. Which means he has about 20 minutes before John gets home. After getting the food inside he sad down on the couch panicked about what to do. He want to calm down but didn't know how to, He was hyperventilating. He tried he hardest to calm himself down and to stop shaking but then, he heard the handle of the door gigle.

Vincent's heart stopped for a split second, he couldn't breath. "Sunflower! I'm home!" The Jock cheerfully yelled out like usual. Vincent stood up almost immediately standing as stiff as a board."H-hi, welcome h-home honey!" Vincent said back in a almost shaking voice. John placed him bag down near the door and walk to Vincent to get him a hug like usual. John knew something was wrong the moment he hugged Vincent. John pulled away and looked down at the red head. "What's wrong Sunflower?" Said he shorter male is a slightly concerned voice. Vincent looked slightly shocked he figured out something was wrong, but at the same time, he was relieved he figured it out. "H-hey babe, I keep to tell you something." Vincent said in a shaking voice. John was scared, "o-of course!" Vincent seemed so upset, John was scared something really bad has happened. Vincent grabbed John's hand and was silent for a moment until he spock up.
Squeezing his hand looking up at him and in a almost yelling tone said " I think I'm ready to do it!" Vincent's voice shaking. John's eyes widening a bit l all most not believing what he heard, "your ready? What do you mean?" John said looking down at Vincent's piercing emerald green eyes. Vincent turned red and begin to shake more. "I'm ready to finally lose my virginity.." after Vincent said those words he felt his chest get heavy and his legs feel like there about to give out.

John held and looked down at Vincent " are you sure your ready Vinny?" He said seeing Vincent was shaking "I don't want you to do anything your not comfortable with baby." Vincent looked up at him grabbing his face "I'm just nervous! I want this I've just never done anything like this." Vincent said still red in the face. John proceeded to pick up Vincent and held him up. "Are you really sure baby?" He said in a

seductive voice. Vincent blushed and nodded, face turning red "yes..I'm positive" Vincent said in a shaky but confident voice. "Good." John said before kissing him quickly. "I promise to be gentle." And with that John kissed is lover passionately against the lips. Vincent let out a little yelp as he kissed back. John licked the bottom of Vincent's lip asking for entrance, which Vincent let him.John held Vincent up by his ass and Vincent rapped this legs around John's waist and lead deeper into the kiss. There tongues dancing with each others. John carried Vincent to their shared bedroom and laid Vincent down on the bed and got on top of the red head. John begin to kiss the red heads neck before pulling away slightly and whispering into Vincent's ear to ask "Is this alright baby?". Vincent nodded slowly "yes, this is perfect love." Vincent was a blushing mess. John begin to kiss every where along Vincent's neck leaving a few hickey's. John noticed while ravaging his boyfriend's neck a small white plastic bag. John leaned forward to grade the bag, "What's this?" He asked Vincent. When Vincent saw the bag he blushed and his face became bright red. He begin to mumble but his mumbles where loud enough so John could hear him. " I just wanted to be prepared for night if you said yes.." John smiled and looked inside the bag and saw the two items inside and laughed quietly, " you really did come prepared huh baby?". Vincent nodded blushing looking at his boyfriend. John placed the bag down next to them and begin lean towards him to kiss this boyfriend's neck "good". The leaned forward and kissed Vincent passionately and begin lift up Vincent's sweater.
John waited for a moment before Vincent nodded and then proceeded to feel up Vincent slender figure and take off his sweater. Vincent body was pale, John admirer his body before attacking his shoulders and collar bones. Vincent ran this fingers through John's hair and let out a soft moan which made John go crazy. John begin to kiss down his boyfriend's body and feel his body. Vincent felt this pants get tight around this never regends and moaned out at John's kisses. John sat up and took off his sweater and button up and then begin to undo his belt. John felt this pants tightened as he looked at Vincent's body looking at the hickey's he left of him. John grabbed the rim of Vincent's pants and looks up at him. Vincent looked at John and nodded for him to continue, when John saw Vincent eyes his heart fluttered seeing the emotions in his green eyes. John begin to un-button Vincent jeans and begin to pull them down along with his boxer. When he did pull his pants and boxers down. When John did Vincent's cock sprung to life it was a rather good size.
John admired his boyfriend when he noticed begin to hide himself and his body. John looked up at Vincent and placed a soft hand on his face and turned him face towards him. "Are you ok? Did I do something wrong?" John wanted to make sure he was alright not wanting to make Vincent uncomfortable. "Y-yes I'm ok I just.." he poused for a moment "Am I..good enough for you?"

John looked at Vincent's face. John leaned forward and kiss Vincent's, which caught the red head off guard. John pulled away placing his forhead against Vincent's. "You're perfect to me don't let anyone tell you otherwise." John said before kissing Vincent forehead. "Now if you'll allow it I want to show you how perfect you are" Vincent blushed when he heard those words then nodded for him to proceed to grab the lube from the bag and put some on this finger. John bit his lip and entered a single finger. Vincent let out a gasp and gripped the sheets. John begin to thrusting his finger slowly. Vincent moaned out "Are you alright?" John asked still thrusting right slowly. " ok" John trusted a little faster and begin to add another finger. John begin to kiss Vincent's neck. "Ah! Fuck!" Vincent moaned out. Vincent ran his hands though John's hair and moaned  into the pillow face bright red. John pulled his fingers out and begin to take off his pants. When John took off both his pants and boxers John begin to smother his cock in lube and lined himself up to Vincent. John looked at Vincent seeing so much love and lust in his eyes, his face a new red,deeper when before. "Tell me when your ready, ok baby?" Vincent looks up at john and nodded "I will" Vincent responded in a quite but loving tone.

After a moment Vincent grabbed John's hand intertwining there fingers "you can go now." John nodded beginning to lift Vincent's leg and push his tip into Vincent. Vincent moan loudly almost like a scream of pain and squeezed John's hand, Vincent beginning to tear up from the pain. John begin to kiss away his tears and more all over his face beginning to slowly inch into Vincent. When John was fully inside he stayed still to let Vincent adjust to John's size, John used his free hand to wipe away the tears in Vincent's eyes and whispered sweet nothing into his ear and leave kisses along his neck and ear. Vincent moaned out softly and grinded slightly against John's dick. John took that as a sign he was ready and moved to place his forehead against Vincent's and spoke softly, "I'm gonna go slowly ok baby." Vincent nodded closing eyes moving his free hand to John's neck. John pull out almost all the them slapped back in making Vincent moan and John pant. John begin to go slow and keep a solid and slow place, he feels so warm John thought to himself as he groaned as he continued his paced. Vincent moaned digging his nails into his shoulder and and squeezed his hand. "P-please!" John kissed Vincent chine and smiled " please what babyboy~?" John said in a subductive voice. Vincent moan and almost yelled out "p-please go faster~!".

John smiled and kissed Vincent passionately quietly before saying " anything for you,my love~". John begin to go faster and Vincent moan out loudly digging almost all his nails into John's back. John hide his face into Vincent's neck where me mumbled his moans. John went a little faster. "John!! I-I'm about to-" Vincent was interrupted Vincent's sentence by kissing him deeply, "Cum for me baby~" John then went back to kissing Vincent deeply and begin to go faster and Vincent begin to moan more and more. John begin to feel himself get ready to cum and begin to go faster with sloppy thrust.
With those fast thrust Vincent let out a loud and long moan as he released his load. With that John pulled away and and gave him last few thrust he released his loud into Vincent letting out a loud making Vincent gasp and let out a soft moan. John the collapsed next to Vincent's panting and shaking body. John kissed Vincent's head and grabbed tissues on the night stand and cleaned up his boyfriend's. After he was done he threw away the tissues and covered both himself and Vincent with a blanket. John held Vincent close to him and started to speak. "Are you ok baby?"  John asked in a soft but concerning voice "Does anything hurt?". Vincent snuggled into John's bare chest "I feel a little sore but I also feel good." Vincent said in a soft voice. "Do you need anything?"John asked holding Vincent Vincent shake his head no "I'm ok just a little sore." John proceeded to pick up Vincent and hold him close to his chest. "I love you John.." Vincent begin to drift off to sleep. John smiled and kissed Vincent's head "I love you too Sunflower." John said before beginning to fall into a deep sleep with his boyfriend in his arms.

ok this was SO LONG! im actually very proud of this. I've never written a smit before so this was very new to me. But I hope you all like it. I plan on putting up a part two of this which is a morning after fluff.

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