What I truly want.

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Part 3 of the heathers story this is not following the lyrics
You may ignore this for you people who love sad endings bit I hate sad endings so.
warnings: cussing
30-minutes time skip)
No one's POV:
John looked everywhere for Vincent, asked everyone who knew Vincent if they've seen him. He was nowhere to be found, on school grounds at least. John left school grounds to look for him. He looked and drove everywhere. The library, Vincent's house, The Grassy Knoll, John even looked at Teen Sex Cove. Still had no lead. "Thank John, Where would he be?!" He asked himself. John was so mad with himself, he blew it with Vincent. "Why didn't I say anything to him!!?" John screamed at himself. John was so mad with himself. He loved Vincent but he didn't say anything to him when Vincent confronted him. "I'm sure a coward..." John whispered to himself. 'Think John! If you were Vincent, where would you go to get away from everyone John thought to himself. He sat in his car thinking of where he'd be. After a few minutes of thinking the thought of one idea. John drove to the outskirts of town. It's the one place the new Vincent loved to draw at, Vincent drew to get his mind off things, he had to be there. John began to drive around the outskirts of town looking for Vincent. John begins to think as he drives, what exactly was he going to say? Did Vincent even want to talk? As he drove he saw someone in the distance. It was from Vincent! Vincent was sat under a tree, drawing in his sketchbook. John stopped his car, and got out, and ran to where Vincent was sitting. Vincent heard the sound of someone running in his direction. Vincent turned to see John standing there, Vincent was a little shocked to see him. "John, what are you doing here?" Vincent asked quietly with a slight look of mixed sad and anger, eyes puffy from crying. "I've looked everywhere for you! Where have you been for the past few hours?" John asked, "You want the truth?" Vincent asked John looked into his worried eyes. John nodded in response, Vincent eyes settle  "I've been trying to avoid you..." Vincent replied moving his eyed to the grass in front of him no longer looking at John. "Vinny, we need to talk please." John started before getting introduced by Vincent, "I know you don't like me, I got that when you started dating Cleo again..." Vincent said beginning to feel new tears form in his eyes. Vincent stood up and looked at John with his glassy eyes, "I should leave..." Vincent said before walking past John. John turned around and grabbed Vincent's wrist and turned him towards his detection. Vincent was shocked by the action John did, "John, what are you-" "I'm not letting you go again, not this time!" John said in an almost yelling tone. Vincent eyed widen surprised, John wanted him to stay? why? "I need to tell you something I was too coward to tell you earlier but I'm not letting you run again!" John yelled out. Vincent stood there confused. JFK, a coward? What a lie. Van Gogh thought John clasped Vincent's left cheek and held his hand with his other hand. John looked Vincent right in his bright green eyes.
"I love you, Vincent! I've loved you for months now but I've been too much of a fucking coward to say a god damn word!" John yelled out, Vincent's eyes widen and his fave burned bright red at his words
"And the worst part is that I proceeded to start dating Cleo and I hurt you in the process. Then when you confronted me about your feelings I didn't say a word back! Because I was scared. But I won't be a coward anymore and I'll say how I feel!" John said pulling Vincent closer.
"I love you, Vincent Van Gogh, I always have." John said.
When John got all his words out, he saw Vincent's face, he noticed his green eyes were large, his cheeks bright making gis freckles more defined along his face.
Until that point, he realized what he said His cheeks turned the same shade of red.
Vincent teared up slightly " do you really mean that?" He asked, he felt his body tense up wanting to confirm the truth. John grabbed both of Vincent's cheeks feeling the heat coming from his cheeks, pulling him close to him. "I meant every last word. I swear." John said before pulling Vincent to him. Hold him close and kiss him. Vincent's eyes were wide at first before moving into the kiss. After a few minutes, they pulled away from each other.

Vincent smiled and tackled John onto the grassy ground behind them with a hug. When they fell to the ground, Vincent nuzzled into John's chest. John laughed at the shorter one's attention and held him close. "I'm guessing this means you love me too?" John said threw soft laughs. Vincent looked up at John, his head still on his chest. "Yes, yes I do love you," Vincent said, "but never do that again, you did a stupid thing." Vincent laying his head back down on Johns's chest.
"I know I did a stupid thing." John said, pulling Vincent up closer to him and kissed his head. "How long was I gone?" Vincent asked wanting to know how much school he missed today. "Basically the remainder the day." John said "my mom's are going to kill me."
"Yeah, my dad's are gonna be mad too," John said looking down at Vincent. "How about he just stay here for a while? While head back later." John proposed to him. "That sounds nice, lets do that." John said smiling closing his eyes and begin to listen to John's heartbeat.

Sweet universe you finally did it right. You brought up all of my hopes and brought love into my life.

Part 3 of the heather story is done!!! I'm happy with this and I needed a happy ending because I can't handle sad shit I'm already sad shit so I don't need more.
The last line is a lyric so I'll but the song up top
I hope you all liked his story!!
Thank you all for reading!

Clone High JFK x Von Gogh OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt