The sun is also a star

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This legit came to me when I took my dog out at 1 am when I was looking at the sky and thought it fit them!!

Note. This is wear they live like remote normal lives (not wanted for soldiers and going to normal colleges)

Description: its the summer of senior year before collage. John takes Vincent on a very special trip

No one's POV:

It was July, the Clone High students now alumni had about a month and a half till college. Almost all of high John and Vincent where best friends, well in secret. Most if not all of the students of clone didn't know anything about them, except that if Vincent was being bullied John would step in everytime, which John would never do for anyone else. That's all people knew.

But this weekend Friday to Monday, they where going on a trip. It was a almost a goodbye due to the fact they where going to different colleges and would have a long distance friendship. But the main reason for this trip, was for Johm to tell Vincent how he truly feels towards him. John loved his best friend, he loved Vincent, and he wanted to tell him. John wanted to choose something that Vincent would like, And after a week of thinking it hit me, stargazing!! At the mountains! It was perfect for him considering who is clone Father's most famous painting is. He knew it be prefect.

It was Friday afternoon the day Vincent and John would leave for there trip. John packed this stuff into the back of his car and said by to his dad's and went to pick up Vincent. John was already nervous about this weekend. What if Vincent didn't like him back? Whst if Vincent wanted to end their friendship? Awful thoughts filled his head about endless possibilities. He decided to not focus on that now and to make this weekend perfect for the two. John made it to Vincent's house. John went up to the door and knocked. Almost immediately Vincent opened the door to greet him. "Haha waiting for me im flattered!" John joked to Vincent. "I wanted to get the door before my mom could and embarrass me, my stuff is up stairs." Vincent told the bigger male. "Need any help Vinny" John asked. "I don't think so but you can if you want.". "Sure!!" Said quickly and help Vincent take stuff to the car. Vincent when to tell his mom goodbye and hopped into John's car.

(Time skip about 4 hours later)

John and Vincent reached to camp site in the mountains. Both John and Vincent begin go pitch the tent John brought.It was almost dark out. John more nervous then hours before, his head was racing. Once the test they set up inside. John couldn't help but just stare at Vincent. He truly loved him and cared for him. He was scared Vincent would stop liking him if he knew. But Vincent had the right to know. So many thoughts ran threw John's head that he didn't even notice Vincent was starring at him.

"John are you ok?" Vincent asked getting John to come back to reality.

"Y-yeah! Just thinking thats all!" John responded with a slight stutter.

"About what?" Vincent replied turning his body to face him.

John panicked for a moment and proceeded to say, "What i have planned for tonight, it's a suprise." John said his voice still slightly shaking. Vincent laughed slightly "Okay.".

( time skip to about an hour later)

The sun has completely set, its was time. John turned to Vincent who was sketching in his sketchbook while listening to music. Vincent felt eyes on him, he took out his ear buds and looked up at John.

"Yes?" Vincent which made John feel butterflies.

"I need to step out and get your suprise ready,okay Vinny?" John said, his heart pounding his chest. Vincent nodded with a smile and John left the tent. John laid down a pastel yellow blanket. John grabbed some snacks the brought with him. John then grabbed a small little lantern to give them a little light. John had to make sure everything was perfect. When he was ready he entered the tent to get Vincent. "Ok Vinny its ready, but I'm gonna need you to close your eyes." Vincent was a little suprise by that but didn't mind and closed his eyes. John grabbed this hands to guide him in the dark of the night. When he got to the little spot he turned to Vincent. "Ok Vinny you can open your eyes!" John said to Vincent. Vincent opened his eyes to see the yellow blanket, snacks and a small lantern. "Whats is all this?" Vincent asked face a light pink color.

"I wanted to do something special for you. I know you feel like you can't live up to your clone father but I feel like you can. So I thought I'd take you star gazing. So you can get more inspiration." John said with a blush on his face looking down to the grown. Vincent was shocked at this. He couldn't believe someone actually would do something like this for him. He begin to tear up some. "John this-" he begin to speak "It's ok if you don't want to do this!! Its fine really I-" he was was stopped by a hug. Vincent hugged John tightly.  "This is perfect John! Thank you." Vincent said happily to John. John blushed bright red and hugged back. "Anything for you Vinny." Vincent pulled away first and looked up at John. "How about we get started?" Vincent asked with a smile.

John sat down and patted the spot next to him. Vincent sat in the spot next to him and smiled. John dimmed the light if the lantern so they could see the stars better. Vincent was already laying on his back waiting for John to join him. After John dimmed the lights he laid back with Vincent. Vincent kept this eyes to the stars talking abouta good few constellations, But for John his eyes shifted from Vincent to the sky. How was he going to tell Vincent how he felt? Would he want to still be friends after? He needed to tell him. While lost in thought John heard Vincent speak up.

"Thank you John" Vincent spoke softly.

"Thank you? For what?" He was looking at the artist next to him.

"For always being there. You didn't have to be my friend, but you did and I really don't know why. " Vincent said in a almost sad voice.

" you are my best friend, I'm scared that when we got to college that I" he held this tongue for a moment before speaking again

'I'd lose you." He said is a sad voice

John sat up to look up into Vincent's eyes.

"Your not going to lose me!" John said.

"I'm not going to leave you okay? Your one of he most important person in my life." John said still looking into Vincent's eyes. Vincent sat up to  get a better look at John. "Do you mean that John?" Vincent asked quietly looking at him. "Of course I do Vinny! Your so important to me and I'd do anything for you! I love you!" Vincent eyes widen at the past part of John's statement and blushed light pink . When John relized what he said his eyes widen aswell and turned bright red. John begin to shake. " you mean that?" Vincent asked in a quite voice. John looked at him for a moment before responding "yes I meant every last word."

John sounded nervous and was shaking. Vincent was silent almost not believe him until John grabbed his hand. Vincent looked as John as he spoke.

"I know you might not believe me, but its true. I do love you. I was planing on telling you tonight but was not sure when. I've loved you for a long time now. I love everything about you. You're my Sun Vincent, so please believe me Vincent."

John said and with the last few words looked into Vincent's eyes. Vincent teared up at John's words. "I love you too" Vincent said softly. John eyes widen at those words And smiled slightly. "Do you mean that?" John asked. Vincent nodded face bright red. John them pulled Vincent in to a tight hugged. Vincent was shocked for a moment before hugging back.

Ok so im running out of ideas so if you have any requests please tell me I have like two ideas, but I hoped you injoyed this!

Clone High JFK x Von Gogh OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt