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"Now, I want that door to stay open, young man!" Damon calls as Paul makes his way up the stairs to Jay's bedroom. "No funny business with my child!"

"He's a riot." Paul says sarcastically as he leans in the doorway to the largest room on the second floor of the house.

"He's an idiot." The little brunette grumbles over by her closet. She's in the process of unpacking some of her clothes.

"This is a nice place."

Jay nods. "Pays to have a rich Daddy."  She muses, still hanging her clothes. She hasn't looked over toward him, and he notices that she doesn't quite seem like herself.

"Are you alright?" He asks, and she nods.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you've seemed a little off since we got back from Mystic Falls."

"Right. Well, I am dead now, so..." Jay shakes her head as she then zips up her empty suitcase and then stores it in the corner of the closet. "I think me acting a bit different is...normal."

"Jay..." He starts to walk toward her, but she backs away.

"I really don't think you being close to me is such a good idea right now."

"You think you can hurt me?" He chuckles, still moving forward, and she suddenly ends up on the other side of the room. He sighs as he turns around to face her again.

"This is something that genuinely bothers me, so if you could not laugh like I'm being stupid, that'd be great." She shakes her head as she looks down at the hardwood floor. "Look, I'm fine, alright? And I'm not going anywhere today, so you can go. You've fulfilled your protector duties for the day. Congratulations."

"Pro— What are you talking about?" Paul questions. "I'm here because Sam doesn't need me on watch right now, and I wanted to see you."

"Well, I really just want to be alone." She tells him, and his eyebrows furrow as he looks at her, but he concedes.

"Okay." He nods and then heads for the door.

Once he's gone, Jay slides down the wall and then leans her head back against it. She closes her eyes, and doesn't open them even when she hears Stefan walk into her bedroom. He then makes his way over to the little brunette and kneels down in front of her.

"What was that about?" He asks, and she sighs.

"That was...every little insecurity that I've ever had amplified by this damn vampirism." She tells him, and he nods. "Back in Mystic Falls, even before my mom and I moved back... Boys never noticed me. Tyler was the only one that...and even that wasn't..." She scoffs.

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