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Paul's arms are wrapped around Jay as they sit in the library of the Salvatore Boarding House staring at the low flames in the fireplace. The Quileute boy sighs in relief when Damon turns off the music that Lexi's been dancing to in the living room.

"I think Ric and Jeremy are enjoying those bacon cheeseburgers a little too much." Marie says as she walks into the room where they are. "They're making sounds that I never wanted to hear come out of anyone in your family. Oh, and I brought you one." She holds it out toward Jay.

The little brunette scrunches her nose as she turns her head and buries her face in Paul's bicep — she's sensitive to smells today, so she's now holding her breath. Marie takes the food back out of the room, and Jay closes her eyes as she then turns her head so that she's facing the other way now. Paul takes a deep breath as he rests his cheek against her forehead.

The next person to walk in is Lexi. "I was told that you're putting off decision making, which you know will result in a permanent consequence." The blonde ghost-vampire says as she walks over and sits on the table in front of them. "You need to talk about this."

Jay sighs as she looks at her. "What's there to talk about? I don't wanna be a vampire, but I don't wanna die either. There is no third option, so here I wallow." She says, and Lexi nods.

"Mhm." She sighs. "But you still have to choose...and I know something Damon hasn't gotten the chance to tell you yet." She whispers. "He knows you'll have other plans for it, and he doesn't want it to sway your answer. I, however, believe in having all of the information before a decision is made, so... Rebekah's still a vampire, and Silas stole the cure from her. Then, after Bonnie turned Silas to stone last night, Ric found the cure on the immortal hunk of rock." She tells her.

"Damon has the cure?" Jay sits up, and Paul's arms fall to his sides. "Then we can make Elena take it when we find her, and she'll have her humanity back."

"And that's exactly why Damon didn't want to tell you yet." Stefan says as he walks into the room. "He wants you to turn so that you can take it and be human again."

Jay gets to her feet and turns to look at him. "No. I can't be human again knowing that my sister's out there somewhere, emotionless, doing God only knows what." She argues.

"And she won't want to be human knowing that you gave up your only chance to live a normal life." He argues. "Especially after she learns about...this." He motions between her and Paul.

"Elena turned off her humanity and left me alone. She doesn't get a say anymore, she can live with the decisions that I make." The little brunette tells him. "And I choose to find her and bring back the girl who sacrificed herself so that the rest of us could live. I want the sister that I grew up with back, not the monster that living in this God forsaken town has turned her into."

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