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"Yeah, I'll... I'll try talking to her, see what I can do." Kim sighs before hanging up the phone, ending her conversation with Jeremy.

"Well?" Paul questions, getting more and more anxious by the minute, but the front door opens before she can tell him anything, and he's disappointed to see that it's Henry walking into the house and not Jay. "Where the hell is she?"

"Dude, calm down. We'll find her." Jared tells him.

"She's not at Bella's, she hasn't been to Jake's, we spent days checking all through the woods in case she got lost on one of the hiking trails. She isn't anywhere!" He snaps, his body starting to tremble with his anger.

"That's enough!" Henry steps forward, and the boys look at him. He then turns his attention to his younger sister. "Did you talk to Jeremy?" He asks, and she nods.

"Yeah, he told me that—"

The door opens again, and they all turn to see Jay making her way inside. She shuts the door behind her and then stops when she sees four sets of eyes all trained on her. "What?"

"What the hell do you mean what?" Henry questions as he turns his entire body to face the little brunette. "Mike brought you home drunk Friday night, you disappeared Saturday morning, and nobody's heard from you since. Where the hell have you been for the past three days?"

"I was out." She says as she starts for hers and Kim's bedroom.

"And you didn't think that maybe you should let someone know where you were going?"

"Not really, no."

"What the hell has gotten into you?" He demands, and she just shrugs.

"I talked to Jeremy!" Kim yells, and the boys all look at her as Jay's steps falter. "Why didn't you come to me? Or to Bella?" She asks, and the younger girl turns around to look at her.

"What would either one of you have done for me?" Jay asks.

"We could've been there for you, so you wouldn't have had to be alone."

"I wanted to be alone." She tells her.

"For three days?" Kim shakes her head. "Nobody should be alone after something like that happens."

"What do you want me to say, Kim? What exactly is it that you want from me here?"

"I want you to drop this...indifferent act. Stop pretending that it doesn't matter."

"I'm not indifferent, and it does matter." The younger girl nods. "I spent the weekend either drunk or sobbing, and I spent today sobering up and pulling myself together. And I did it alone because nothing that anybody says is going to make it hurt any less, or make the grieving go any easier. I'm not indifferent, Kim, I'm pissed.

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