She turned to face me, burrowing her face into the crook of my neck as she cried. I had figured that she had had a nightmare, as the blonde had always had.

"T-they took you," she whimpered, "They took you and forced you to say that you didn't love me. And- and it really looked like you meant it. You had ang- anger in your eyes and you were telling the truth," 

I turned the Kryptonian to face me as I looked into her glossy eyes, "I couldn't ever hate you, love. I love you. I love you so much..." my voice cracked as I spoke, "We're going to stay right here and I'm going to hold you. I'm not going anywhere, I promise,"

Kara nodded and buried her head into my shoulder once more as we laid back down, her arms wrapped around me as she clung to me as if I was going to disappear any moment. I held her tightly, being sure to not squeeze too tight, as the hero hadn't fully healed. 

I craned my neck to glance at the slightly dented alarm clock that laid on the bedside table, beside the lamp. It was five in the morning. I smiled as I looked back at the sleepy blonde, who looked right back into my eyes. 

"I love you," she admitted.

"I love you more," 

"No. I love you more, soulmate," 

"Soulmate?" I questioned. She had a mischievous look in her eyes, and I was glad it wasn't a look of sadness. A first for the past twenty-four hours.

She smiled before speaking up, "When we were on Argo, my mother took me to the scanner... it tells you everything about the person that is scanned. Secrets, their full name, where they were born, their soulmate. Lena Kieran Luthor, you are my soulmate," 

I was stunned, to say the least. I knew that everything good never lasted forever. But this time, I had hope. I had hope that Kara and I would last for a long time. The longest time. 

"I love you... I love you..." a smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I pressed them to hers, her arms unraveling from around my waist and now starting to cradle my face as she deepened the kiss. 

It wasn't intimate. It was a kiss fueled by love and passion. Nothing else. Not even lust or a desire that was motivated by arousal. Just love and passion. 

After a long while of the shared kiss, I reluctantly pulled away, catching my breath. She cracked a smile at me. 

"You make everything better," she spoke, "even losing... even losing Kal-El. We'll get him back..." her voice was laced with hope. Supergirl stood for hope, bravery, integrity, and much more. I smiled at my hero.

"Could you tell me about your alien biology? Sorry... it's just that I'm fascinated by it and that maybe if I knew more about it, I could figure a way to get Kal-El back, and if... if the time comes that you're in his place... well, it won't happen, I'll make sure it won't happen, but... you know..."

Kara smiled at me, nodding eagerly, sitting cross-legged on the bed. I mimicked her pose as she spoke, "So, as you know, Kryptonians look identical to humans. It's why I blend in so well. We have high solar levels in our cells that make it to that the yellow sun here on Earth allows me to well... have powers. No matter what gender, a Kryptonian can impregnate someone if they love them enough... so yes, we'll have to be careful," her cheeks painted red at the mention of sex.

"I can make finger condoms," I burst out laughing, doubling over. Kara snorted and started to laugh with me, too. After a minute of laughter, I looked back at her to continue. 

She regained her composure, continuing, "Anyway... we have a lifespan of 120 years. And yes, there is a stone that is capable of lengthening a human's lifespan. But trust me, I'll give up my powers far before then," I nodded, "Kryptonians are powered by nature and sunlight. Meaning- oh Rao!" Kara shot up, wincing. I dashed over to her side, steadying her. 

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