Chapter Sixty Three

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"(Y/N)! You want to care for six kits?"
Lilypad looked at you, shocked.
"If no one else will, I shall. I've cared for three litters in the past, I'm sure I know what I'm doing."
Lilypad nodded. "Ok then. These kits are in the custody of (Y/N)."

You walk over to your new kits. Four she kits and two toms. You carry each kit back to your den individually.
As you curl up with them, the moon was rising above the trees.
Coralkit and Smudgekit for these she kits.
You nose the two identical golden she kits closer to you. Their white stripes glowed in the moonlight.
Spotkit, and... Blazekit for these toms.
The two tom kits squealed and nudged your belly.
And... Owlkit and Cloudkit.
The two she kits with white bodies but golden patches and red tails and paw tips were fast asleep next to their siblings.
You curl your head around your new kits and fall fast asleep.

An unnerving feeling awoke you. Though the sky was still filled with darkness, Dawn was creeping around the corner.
You look down at your precious kits.  It seemed as if Cloudkit and Smudgekit were not moving or breathing.
It's still dark I must be imagining things.
But the feeling didn't go away.
You're just imagining things-
Your breath was taken away as the sun creeped over the trees and into your den.
You were right.
Smudgekit and Cloudkit were still as rocks.
"Smudgekit? Cloudkit?" You nudge the limp bodies desperately.
"Please! Wake up!" Your yowl split the air.

"What's going on?!" Lilypad walked in on you. Once she saw Cloudkit and Smudgekit , she sat down next to you.
"It's alright. We'll have a vigil soon."

Soon came and everyone was gathered around the stone slabs.
"We'll have vigil for the lost of two kits which (Y/N) named Cloudkit and Smudgekit." Lilypad was holding the two kits by their scruff.
Small gasps escaped from the crowd.

Cloudfur dug out a small grave for the two kits. You lied them in there so that they were hugging one another. You helped full the grave back with dirt and lied down with your tail around your paws.
Duskfur, Juicy and Pebbleshade also say with you.
Sunhigh came and your companions were all on patrol.
You tore your gaze away from the grave and went to your den. There, your four kits were mewling for food. A small smile crept into your face.
After feeding your kits they fell asleep and you went to grab something for yourself. You hadn't eaten since forever.
Grabbing a mouse and heading to your den, you sat at the entrance.

The crisp wind swayed your fur. The trees above your head swayed with it as well. Wind chimes echoed in breezes.
A small rumble echoed beneath your paws.
It grew larger and louder.
"What is happening?" You voice shook with the ground. The earth began to split in half. You began to run back to the camp but you slipped and fell to the ground the rumbles grew louder, bigger. A large scrape in your hind leg pooled blood beneath you. Shaking, you rose to your paws. You limped away from the pool of blood but once again you tripped. The ground began to split and shake. Just where you were laying before, the ground split wide open, sucking in trees, leaves and sticks.
"Help!" You call to your camp mates. No one answered.
You staggered your paws.
Despite your wounds, you ran like all of Lionclan.
Your familys and friends lives flashed before your eyes. You ran for them.
Pushing further and further your wounds teared wider, deeper.
You pushed through camp, thorns scraped against your scratches and your battered body.
The rumbling stopped and you stated in shock at the, fox-lengths wide, crack in the middle of the camp.
Several cats were also torn up and lay motionless on the ground. You noticed Pebbleshade wasn't in the crowd of cats.
"Pebbleshade! Where's Pebbleshade!" Palmbranch, her son, looked around frantically.
Lilypad dashed over to the heart broken son and shook her head.
The tabby tom's eyes burst into tears. "No!"
He looked into the crack of the ground.
Palmbranch slumped over to the ground.
"Pebbleshade." He whispered.
Duskfur walked over to Lilypad.
"The gathering is tomorrow, what'll we do?"
Lilypad looked around at her torn apart cats. "We leave. There might be more ground-breaking. If we leave now, we'll be safer."
Shocks echoed around her. "We almost just got here!" A cat yowled from the crowd.
Princess pressed her kits closer to her belly.
My kits!
You bolted to your den.
They were all safe. You say outside your den, keeping watch over the four kits.
"We leave to the gathering place now and then after that, we leave."
Cats followed her to the exit and you got help from Juicy to carry your kits.

The waterfall was glistening, untouched by the horrific events. "We'll wait here until the others come." Lilypad said as she laid Hailstorm down on a patch of moss.
You created yourself a makeshift den and settled your kits in there.

The next night came and Mistystream's cats came into the sight of all the battered cats. Princess was frantically caring for everyone's wounds.
"What happened here!" Mistystream hurried over to you. "Are you okay?"
You nodded in pain.
"The ground shook furiously and then the ground split in our camp." Lilypad said. "And in the forest, I almost fell into it."
Mistystream said, "In our camp, we felt small rumbles but no cracking."

Amberfoot came flying into the clearing. Her eyes were bursting with tears. In her mouth she held a squealing black kit. Junebug and Ebonystripe also came in, each also an orange and brown kit. Hazeltuft didn't come through.
"Where's Hazeltuft?" You asked.
"She fell. The crack swallowed her. It parted right beneath her paws." Amberfoot fell to the ground, cuddling the kit in her chest. Her eyes rained tears.

After, the three leaders hopped onto the top of the waterfall.
"I'll go first." Lilypad spoke. "We lost Pebbleshade due to the unknown events."
Junebug, Pebbleshade's other son, looked to the bent over Palmbranch. Palmbranch was slumped over and silently crying. Junebug hurried over to his brother and sat with him.
Hailstorm is unconscious because- (Y/N), would you like to explain?"

"We found a cave which looked like it had a pathway to Starclan. But it was a trick. Redpaw drank the water, but fell into the water. Hailstorm went after him, but after they didn't come up for some time, I dived in for them. I retrieved two unknown cats. I saved Redpaw's body and Hailstorm."

"But, we also have good news. We have four new kits and three new apprentices. Robinpaw, Mosspaw and Plumpaw. And four unnamed kits." Lilypad bowed, signaling she was done.
Mistystream went next.
"We lost Beespirit-"
Ebonystripe burst out crying. "Beespirit!"
Junebug looked over from where he was with Palmbranch and gave her a comforting look.
"She disappeared around eight sunrises ago."
"Out of nowhere?"
"Yes. That is all."
Amberfoot spoke next.
"We have three new kits which belong to Junebug and Ebonystripe. Fluffykit, Flipkit and Bouncekit. We lost Hazeltuft." She broke off in tears.
"If that is it, then I believe we need to do something about these cracking, there might come more." Mistystream rose to her paws.
"We need to leave, now." Lilypad spoke up.
"Now? It's Leaf-fall. Plus we have Hailstorm and seven newborn kits. Where would we find enough prey?" Mistystream protested.
"If we stay, we might all die." Amberfoot said.
"Who ever wants to stay, raise your tails." Mistystream rose her tail, followed by Riptide, Brightpaw and Cloudfur.
"Who ever wants to go, raise your tails."
Amberfoot, Lilypad and every other cat who didn't raise their tails before, followed.

Do you...

A. Leave with Lilypad and Amberfoot.


B. Stay with Mistystream.

Choose Your Own Path •A Warriors Adventure Game•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें