
602 19 18

Wow! Almost 600 views! I'm so happy! You guys are so amazing, you guys are what keep me going. This is all thanks to you!
I used to be just some weird creator on wattpad who made awkward fan fictions!
*sigh* those were some... *shudders* awful moments... But anyway! Thank you so much for everything. I would not have been here if it wasn't for you guys. You are my inspiration to keep making these chapters. Love you so much!

Also update on my cats kittens!
There is a dark orange one (named Gingershot whenever he falls asleep, you can literally shake him and he won't wake up its hilarious) a light orange one with white (named Rona people say he looks ugly because of his long muzzle but I think he a lil cutie) and last and the biggest a brown tabby (named C H O N K because she's so fluffy, she's also really playful)

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