Chapter Twenty Five

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"(Y/N) We are going to battle train. Sunstrike has been calling you!"
Nettlepaw prodded you awake.
The cold breeze ruffled through your fur. It sent an unwanted shiver down your back.
But as you got up and followed Nettlepaw outside, no one was out there.
"Where is everyone?" You ask.
"Still sleeping, follow me."

Nettlepaw leads you to the river. It's roaring waves sent freezing cold drops onto your fur.
"Cats from Riverclan attack from the water. Whether it be the river or lake. Nettlepaw get in." Sunstrike explained.
Nettlepaw set a paw into the almost iced over river.
"Good now dunk your head. Cats won't expect you to jump out into them. Because they won't see you."
Nettlepaw obeyed and caught a big mouthful of air. As he dunks his head under the water, it was like he disappeared.
But like a flash of lightning, he sprang from the water and onto Sunstrike.
Sunstrike yelped in surprise.
"Good job!" He praised.
"(Y/N) It's your turn."

You set in a paw and feel the water practically consume you whole paw!
"It's like my paw is invisible!" You exclaim.
Sunstrike nodded and you feel someone push you in the water. Your head gets crashed by waves. Once you surface, Nettlepaw and Sunstrike were laughing.
"The way you fell!"
You growled and once again went under the water. Under the waves you could still hear them laughing.

In a much swifter motion, you leapt out of the water and pounced onto Nettlepaw.
He screamed and attempted to throw you off. But you dug your claws into his easily tangled and thick fur. He tried the falling limp trick, that didn't fool you.
"Okay I'm done." You replied calmly.
He gets up in a huff.
"That was great!" Sunstrike praises.

On your way back to camp, Sunstrike said he was going to see if he could catch any fish. You and Nettlepaw agreed and kept on going.

Once you walked into the camp, Blazepaw came running up to you.
"We are having our assessment tomorrow!"
He shouted.
Pebblepaw came running behind him.
"We're going to be made warriors!" She hopped around excitedly.
Me! Made a warrior! I can't wait!

The next day, Hailstar called a meeting.
"Cats of Riverclan! Gather here for a clan meeting!"
You scurried out with the others.
"Pebblepaw, Blazepaw, Nettlepaw, and       (Y/N). Today you will be taking your assessment. This will prove to us if you will be a loyal warrior. Now go hunt for your clan!"
You dashed out the reeds. The others quickly followed.
"I'll go upstream." You commented.
"Should I try the small Thunderpath?" Nettlepaw asked.
"Yeah, and I'll go over to the lake." Pebblepaw ran off.
"And I'll just hunt here." Blazepaw peeked his ears up. You carefully creep away. As you traveled up the hills, the roaring waves crashed into the bank.

Once everyone finished hunting, You caught two trout, Pebblepaw caught one fish and three mice, Nettlepaw caught one pigeon and two voles, and Blazepaw caught what seemed to be a whole nest of mice.

Hailstar greeted you with a smile.
"Place your catches on the fresh kill pile."
You obey and follow everyone to the fish kill pile.
"Cats of Riverclan! Our apprentices have come back from their hunt!"
Cheers erupted from the crowd.
"Blazepaw, Junipervine has taught you bravery and courage. From this day and on you will be called Blazewing, for your extremely fast thinking. Pebblepaw, you have shown spectacular hunting skills. I have Kindheart to thank for that. Pebblepaw you are now Pebbleshade.
Nettlepaw, Sunstrike has helped you be the best apprentice you could be. For this you will be called Nettlestrike. In honor of Sunstrike."
In honor of Sunstrike? Did he die?
"And (Y/N). From this moment forward you shall be named (Y/N)."
All the cats cheered your new names.
"Blazewing! Pebbleshade! Nettlestrike!       (Y/N)!"

After the ceremony, one cat came up to Nettlestrike and said,
"I'm sorry for your loss."
He looked at the cats in a strange manner.
"What do you mean?"
"Didn't you hear? Sunstrike died on the Thunderpath."
Nettlestrike burst into tears.

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