Chapter Fifty Two

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If you chose...

A. "Not now." You replied calmly. He frowned but sat down sadly next to you.
"But if I get lost then I won't be able to hunt or fight so then I'll get really hurt or I'll starve and then-" He began to list the things that could happen to him in the wild, some of which included getting hurt, starving, and getting captured.
"I'll teach you later, okay?"
His eyes lit up with joy. "Okay! I'll be waiting." He trotted his little rump back to his mother, contentment in his gaze.

If you chose...

B. "Okay let's go now."
A shiver of excitement ran down your spine. But before you and Juicy could slip out of sight, Princess shouted.
"Get back here Juicy!"
Juicy swung around sadly. He dragged his paws back to his mother and argued. "But if I get lost then I won't be able to hunt or fight so then I'll get really hurt or I'll starve and then-" He began to list the things that could happen to him in the wild, some of which included getting hurt, starving, and getting captured.
"I'll teach you later, okay?" You called to him.
His eyes lit up with joy. "Okay! I'll be waiting." He trotted his little rump back to you, contentment in his gaze. 


The following sun-high was when they began to travel again. Truffle and Cupcake were beginning to grow close to each other. You wondered if they were mates or not. Princess was also getting rounder with each passing day. Though she wasn't eating much, her belly was growing. She may be having kits.
Juicy always walked by your side when you took the lead.
But your thoughts snapped out of your head when a similar scent hit your nose.
Riverclan scent!
With out warning you burst into a frantic and joyous run. Juicy ran steadily beside you. Princess ran a tad bit slower. Max and Cupcake exchanged curious glances. Truffle was practically half-asleep while bolting after you.
The scent was fairly new, meaning the clans had been here.
You followed the scent toward a massive moor. Everyone broke through the forest and reached the open grassland. Princess was panting heavily, Truffle let her lean on his shoulder. Up ahead you could see moving dots on the horizon.
The clans!
Joy surged through your energized body.
"There they are! The clans!"
Though they were still quite far away, you could already feel the warmth of their pelts.
"Lets run!" Juicy bolted across the moor, Max and Cupcake following.
Princess lapped from a nearby pool and ran after them. Truffle followed you as you caught up to Juicy. His long fur streamed out behind him. He reminded you of Nettlestrike. Nettlestrikes long and easily tangled fur.

But as you looked up ahead you crashed into a cat. Bodies tumbled around you. You regain your balance and see Amberstar underneath you. You scramble off the leader and bow your head. Juicy and Cupcake heads were swirling with dizziness. Max, Princess and Truffle were scrambling off cats.
"(Y/N)? You're alive!"
Shredpaw and Lilypad pushed through the astonished cats. Your son and daughter buried their muzzles in your fur.
"I thought you were dead."
Tears ran down your cheeks.
Hailstar strode up to you.
"Where were you?!"
"I was taken by Twolegs. I escaped their den and found your scent trail. These brave cats came with me. Truffle, Max, Cupcake, Princess and Juicy."
You gestured to you friends as you explained your journey.
"We welcome you and your friends back into the clans." Amberstar announced.
You bowed your head respectively.

Pebbleshade was gazing at you with joyous tears in her eyes.
"Pebbleshade! My dearest friend!"
She burst into tears and ran into you, knocking you over.
"I'm so sorry for being a such a bad friend earlier."

You forgave her and the clans began their journey once again. Cats crowed around to hear your story.
But you noticed the kitty-pets were looking a bit uncomfortable.
"Go make so friends!" You nudged Juicy toward Shredpaw. They were awkward for a moment but gradually began to chatter.
Max and Truffle went to a small group of gossiping cats.
Beepaw and Ebonypaw went to join Shredpaw and Juicy.
Cupcake and Princess cautiously walked up to Mistystream, Lilypad and Palmbranch. 

A small group of cats gathered around you to hear the detailed information on your journey.
You were finally back home.

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