Chapter Nineteen

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You awake to a sting in your paw. Silverstripe was removing the cobwebs and replacing them.
"I can't believe it! I got my Medicine cat name!"
Silverstripe repeated her name over and over again.
"Silverstripe, Silverstripe, Silverstripe."
You lay your head back down on the moss.
"Did Pebblestep leave yet?"
"No she's saying goodbye to her mother and father. Though I don't think they want to see her anymore."

Pebblestep then walked into the Medicine den. She saw your paw and gasped.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I didnt-"
"Pebblestep!" Hailstar growled.
"It's Sunhigh. Leave."
Pebblestep nodded and gave you one last look. That look that said, 'I'm going to come back'.
Silverstripe let out a scowl. She flinched and left.

"(Y/N). Please come to my den." Hailstar said. You nodded and wobbled to your feet.

"(Y/N) I don't think you can be a warrior apprentice." Hailstar announced.
You gasp and protest,
"But I can walk just fine! Please let me be a warrior!"
Hailstar thought for a moment and spoke,
"Fine. But don't say that I didn't warn you."

As you wake up you smell herbs all around you. You were in Silverstripes medicine den. You look down at your paw, expecting it to be covered in cobwebs. But no. Your paw was back.
"Silverstripe! My paw!"
Silverstripe glanced at your paw and almost fainted.
"The prophecy..."
"The prophecy! It all makes sense!"
She chanted strange words.
"A raven will bring the sickness, a violet will bring the herb. If this happens, fates will heal..."
She ran out into the clearing, shouting,
"Someone needs to get Pebblestep! Bring her back!"

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