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I've been reading alot lately it's like diving into the past when I used to love reading, I've always loved it, but I had no drive or motivation it just felt useless and boring, but now it seems I can't get enough I just want more and more, the different worlds are always twisting and turning with each new hero they are all so different from each other,The storys expand and ignite my imagination again, I used to be able to come up with all kinds of odd stories and odd things, I loved it so much because I felt like I had something that my brothers didn't have, I had a world all to myself and as I grew, that world changed and almost faded into nothing but as I read more and more of other peoples worlds, my world is coming back with new shines and shimmers, new cracks and corners,it's becoming real again with each new chapter, I'm beginning to see the wonders and the beautiful silence the night gives, or how the winds speak through the trees, the sun shining across the clouds, everything is becoming more abstract and color, I forgot how it felt like, to see a greenery grow from it's roots all the way to the sky or how a bird soars through the sky with grace, all the wonderful colors combining into new ones, and with each creak or scratch the house makes the amazment it brings me to be able to hear it speak, my gloomy days full of dread and bland colors is fading away, but I know it will be back, it always comes back but atleast I get to enjoy these coming days of peace and serenity, the feeling of excitement and wonder fill me to the core, the warmth of the cold weather make goosebumps cover my skin but bring me comfort running my fingers across the the uneven terrain, the tranquility of the soft breaths of my beautiful cat creatures who always amazed me with there vibrant eyes and there demanding and ferocious essence and there kind yet hermit like behavior, I honestly feel great today, it's been so long since I've felt as such, like the coldness and the nothing is swept away with light much to my dismay  I know perhaps today is all I have of this emotion I don't believe it will stretch far, but today I am truly okay

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