Yes, yes...

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Jul 13,2022
So its been awhile but I just wanted to check up, me and ash have been playing lots of minecraft these past daqnys, also the house in clyde looks pretty good, I am also extremely tired, been reading lots of Berserk when I have the money I'd love to buy all the books to keep in my collection its so good ngl, anywho ash should be getting a job soon, and after him hopefully I will aswell, I really do need to go home soon so I can pack some boxes so Jake can eventually move into it

I don't really know what to write to be honest- I haven't really done any sort of writing in a while maybe im losing touch with it, I also find that I can't sit down long enough to read a book, I suppose it's cuz summer is almost over and I'm getting the jitters, its all so new and complex

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