Hey Diary, Benn Awhile

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Tonight, I've had an epiphany, basically what I've realized that (this is going to sound funny but...) The person I can count on most in my entire life is infact of course not my mother (we've known this for decades now) but is "bumbumbum" Aston Powell, yes, I know it's reduculious and all but think about it ... I would never dare count on my dad or that side if the family, moms side ditched us, Glenn.. well u know how he is, and boys well hah now that's a joke, and my mother I know it isnt always intentional but... Shes not there when I need her the most, so shes out of the question, but think about it, Ashton, when I need a ride or help I can ask him, he helps me and when he can't give me a ride he feels bad and tries to help me, maybe I'm just an hopeless romantic, but who could I call on except him? Like when I think if certain situations my mind has always gone to calling him, and no one else, like for real

Oct 25 ,2021

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