Chapter 24

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The funeral had become a red carpet event.

Johnny and Jaehwa quietly observed in the corner of the room while the business people of Neo City socialized and built their connections. Outside, cameras were flashing, reporters broadcasting who had just arrived.

I sure hope that my funeral is nothing like this.

Johnny was surprised when he saw one of the businessmen break away from the group, heading straight towards them.

"Already done with socializing?" Johnny asked the male.

"I hate this." Doyoung muttered. "They're ruining the funeral."

"I would hate it too." Jaehwa added. "Personally, everyone in this room seems suspicious."

Johnny couldn't help but agree. It seemed that no one actually cared about Dowon, but rather came for the sake of showing their face. Johnny thought that at least Dowon's family members would care.

Suddenly, Doyoung's attention turned away from them.

"Let me know if you two need anything." Doyoung said, quickly scurrying away.

Johnny was curious as to why Doyoung had suddenly ran away from them but he soon found the reason.

In the front of the room where Dowon's coffin was, an older woman stood, staring at the image of Dowon. Beside her, Taeha was comforting the woman with small pats on the shoulder whle Doyoung soon arrived, doing the same. That woman was Dowon's mother, Mrs. Kim.

"I didn't know Taeha was so close to Mrs. Kim." Jaehwa pointed out.

"I didn't either. But it might be because of the child." Johnny said, noticing that Taeha was holding her growing baby bump as she spoke with Mrs. Kim and Doyoung.

"Interesting." Jaehwa said, glancing at the group.

Soon the officials called everyone to take their seats, so Johnny sat with Jaehwa in the back corner, away from all the other people.

Mr. Kim started off the event with his speech. It was awfully boring and Johnny found it quite boring. Mr. Kim seemed to have focused his speech on how it was a shame that Dowon died young, unable to fulfill his duties as the heir to the company.

Johnny was about to fall asleep when Jaehwa nudged him, motioning to the the front.

Johnny followed and saw that Taeha was shifting in uncomfortable in her seat.

Is there tension between them?

Johnny pushed the stupid question from his head as soon as it came.

Of course there's tension, Mr. Kim wouldn't let them get married.

Soon, Mr. Kim's speech was done and Doyoung was next.

Doyoung's speech was much closer to what Johnny expected from an interview. Doyoung's told the story he and his brother shared, the emotions they went through under the stress of running the family business.

Sobs were heard and Johnny saw Mrs. Kim bawling her eyes out. Surprisingly, her husband showed no emotion, sitting straight up in his seat.

"I don't get it." Jaehwa mumbled. "How can he be like that during his son's funeral?"

"That's the life of business people." Johnny whispered back. "It's a world we'll never understand."

Soon the funeral was over, the next part being the burial. This was a private ceremony, so this marked the end for Johnny and Jaehwa.

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