Chapter 1

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Name: Vivian Rosewell
Age: 20
Height: 5'4"
Species: Human
(Dedication of photo/game goes to RinMaru)

        I sighed as I walked around town in London, looking for an odd job to do. I've recently been kicked out of the manor I used to work at since their animal died and I supposedly broke to many things. I'll admit I was never a good maid, but I AM  a good trainer. I tied my red hair into a bun, accidentally bumping into someone. I looked up and came face to face with a raven-haired man with crimson eyes. "Excuse me." I said apologetically, curtsying. The male raised an eyebrow at me, looking me over. "What is your name?" he asked. "Vivian Rosewell." I took a step back so I wasn't so close. "I'm Sebastian Michaelis, are you a trainer? And if so, are you good with dogs?" "Fairly well, used to train one." "Perfect, how would you like to work at the Phantomhive Manor as a trainer? Maybe you can even help with the servants.." he muttered the last part as he looked down at me. I'm pretty short for my age, but what can I do about it? I looked up at him with my gold-teal eyes. "I accept.~" I cooed, giving him a goofy grin. I giggled when he gave me a confused expression then guided me to a coach. "After you." he said, opening the door for me. "Thank you." I said, stepping in and taking a seat.I then came face to face with a thirteen-year-old boy. "Sebastian, who is that?" asked the boy, pointing a finger at me. "This is Vivian Rosewell, our new dog trainer/maid." "I thought you would've chosen a demon, not a human." the boy said, looking at me with his blue eye. I pursed my lips together. "Demon?" I thought. "Who're you?" I asked, tilting my head. "Ciel Phantomhive, your boss." he stated, looking out the window. I could tell he didn't want to talk anymore, so I kept my mouth shut.

        Once we got to the manor, I stepped onto the gravel road and looked up at it. "I could get lost in this place!" I said, pouting. Ciel chuckled, "You'll find your way around, eventually. Sebastian, show Vivian her new room and give her some maid clothes like Mey-rin, once she's in the uniform burn her old ones." he ordered, walking inside. "Yes, young master." Sebastian bowed, then led me inside and up the stairs. We walked around for a while till he suddenly stopped in front of a room, causing my face to smack into his back. "This will be your room." he opened the door and my jaw dropped. There was a plush bed with a elegant rug under it, and a dresser to the right with a wood closet right next to it. The walls were an elegant red, making the many shades pop. I looked to the left and saw a large window with yellow drapes covering it. A door was a little ways next to the bed, and I assumed it was my own washroom. I smiled in amazement, "Wow.." "I'll be right back with your uniform." Sebastian said, walking out of the room. I ran over to the bed and jumped on it, squeaking a bit as I sunk in. I waited for what seemed like forever till Sebastian finally came back with a maid outfit. "Here, it should fit." He tossed it at me, and I caught it. "Mkay, get out." I pointed to the door, I wasn't going to change infront of him, that's embarrasing. The butler raised an eyebrow at me before nodding and closing the door behind him. I got up and quickly stripped, putting on the maid outfit and zipping it up. It fit me pretty well if I don't say so myself, it makes my curves pop in my opinion. I then walked over to the door and opened it. "How do I look?" I asked, posing left and right." Sebastian rolled his eyes, "You look fine. Now, follow me, I want to show you who you're going to be training." "Yes,sir." I saluted, following him out of my room.

        He opened a door that led outside and I soon realized we were in a garden. "They're an outside dog?" I asked, tilting my head. "More or less, he sometimes can come inside..usually it's because someone lets him in." he replied, looking down at me. I nodded in understandment, "Oh, by the way I can talk to dogs, if I haven't mentioned that already." I said, suddenly remembering my secret talent. "I already knew that." Sebastian said, suddenly stopping. I did as well and came face to face with a naked white haired man. "W-why is he naked?!" I half shouted, feeling myself blush. "Pluto! Say hello to your new trainer!" Sebastian said, taking a step away from me. Said Pluto perked up and saw me, he smiled happily and ran towards me. "THAT'S NOT A DOG!" I yelled, quickly running the opposite way as Pluto chased after me.

*Sebby's POV*
"You never asked what KIND of dog.." I thought, smirking as Pluto chased after Vivian. I saw her coming back around and as soon as she was close enough, I shot my arm out, causing her stomach to smack right into my arm. The wind got knocked out of her as she fell to the floor and Pluto jumped on her, licking her face. I sighed and walked inside, it was time for young master's dinner.

*Vivian's POV*
I laid on the floor, trying to catch my breath as a supposed "dog" licked my face. He was quite handsome for a dog..this is weird.. "Human! Human! Human!" I heard him think. "What kind of dog are you?!" I shouted, now regaining my breath. "A hell hound..wait can you understand me?" he thought, not licking my face anymore. "Yes, quite well actually. Your name is Pluto, right?" I asked, peeking at him through my scattered bangs. "Yesss, what's your name?" he after, panting. "Vivian.."  "I LOVE YOU VIVIAN!" he thought/shouted, he howled and started to lick my cheek again while cuddling me. "Awe that's so-- WAIT GET OFF ME YOU'RE NAKED!!" I said, trying to pry Pluto off of me.
Honestly what have I gotten myself into?!
Woo chapter 1, I hope you guys like it, this is my first Black Butler fan fiction ever!~ I've always thought Pluto was so adorable, it honestly crushed me when that episode (you know what I'm talking about if you've watched that part with fire..and..Imma cry ;-;..) Anyway, I hope it's good to you guys!

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