Chapter 5

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As we stepped inside the building, I saw Ciel sitting at a table with Sebastian at his side. A strange looking man sat across from them. He had long silver hair covering his eyes, he had some stitches all over him and a long black robe with a gray sash over his shoulder. "Ah, you're back. Vivian, this is the Undertaker, Undertaker, this is Vivian." Ciel introduced, gesturing from one to the other. I bowed, "Nice to meet you."  "Heeheehee, nice to meet you too." he grinned, before turning back to Ciel. "I'm guessing you'll be going then. I'll consider your request." he said, leading us out before closing the door. "Alright, let's go home. Did he behave himself, Vivian?" he asked, gesturing to Pluto. "He was basically human." I said smiling, taking Pluto's hand who kissed my cheek. Ciel smirked, "Hmph. Alright, I guess Pluto will be staying with you instead of outside from now on." he climbed in when Sebastian opened the door and I followed, Pluto coming in after me then Sebastian, who closed the door. "No outside?" Pluto asked, pouting. "I mean that you're not sleeping outside anymore, or eating outside." Ciel answered, raising an eyebrow. Pluto tilted his head then nodded, pulling me into his arms.

        Once we got back to the manor, Sebastian had me change into a gardening uniform then sent me off to Finnian, who needed help with the roses. Finnian hugged me in a death grip, "F-f-innian! To hard!" I gasped. "Sorry, sorry!" Finnian said, quickly setting me down. "It's fine.." I said, rubbing my aching sides. "Ok, well, I need you to help me cut some dead roses. Since it's a maze, it'd might take a while." He said, rubbing the back of his head. He handed me a pair of gloves and a pruner, "Start here, I'll go to the end of the maze and work my way till I see you again. Have fun!" he said, waving as he went off with his basket. I sighed and put on my gloves, I then picked up the basket and pruner, then started to walk down the maze and look for the dead roses.

        When my basket was halfway full with dead roses, and it was starting to get dark. I was currently cutting off one last dead rose when I heard rustling. I looked around, my guard building up as I quietly stood up. Suddenly a squirrel jumped out, smacking into my face. "EEK!" I screamed, flailing my arms around as I tried to get it off. I then felt some pressure on my side, causing me to fall over. The squirrel was finally off of me and I saw Pluto on top of me with the squirrel in his hand. "Are you ok Vivian?.." he asked, flinging the squirrel over his shoulder. I watched as it disappeared into the night sky; I looked up at Pluto and nodded, taking his hand as he helped me up. He pulled me close and nuzzled my head, kissing my face in the process. "I love you!" He said,nuzzling me some more. "I love you too Pluto~" I said, kissing his cheek as I moved to pick up my basket. When I was about to walk away with Pluto and call it a night, Finnian came around the corner with a satisfied look on his face. "All done for the night." he said, taking my basket. "You two go rest up, I'll dispose of these!" he said cheerfully, walking back towards the mansion. Pluto took hold of my hand and led me down the path and towards the manor as well. We walked through the kitchen and up the stairs towards my room. Once inside, I walked to the bathroom, not realizing Pluto had followed me till I turned around to close the door. "Pluto, I'm just taking a bath, I'll be out in a minute." I said, looking up at him. He pouted and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I giggled and started the water, stripping out of my dirty, sweaty clothes. I tested the water to make sure it was the temperature I wanted before I stepped in, sitting down carefully since my lower back hurt from squatting all day. I laid down a little more, fully relaxing. When I heard a splash and quickly jerked up, "W-what the?!" Pluto looked at me happily, if he had his tail out, it'd be wagging. "What're you doing?" I asked, covering myself up. "Bath!" he said, pawing at my knees. I raised an eyebrow and slowly relaxed as he hugged me closely. Pluto nipped my ear playfully, which caused me to squeak. He nuzzled my neck before kissing me deeply, I quickly kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I gladly complied, he explored my mouth till he got to my tongue. We battled for dominance till he won, laying between my legs so our bodies were completely smushed together. His hands roamed my body, making me moan in pleasure. He stopped suddenly, looking at me with eyes filled with lust, then picked me up. He took a towel and dried us off quickly, dragging me to the bed then throwing me ontop of it. He climbed on top of me and lifted my legs up around his waist. "I love you." he said.
Had a little writers block, sorry >.< but here it is! Chapter 5! The guy in the photo: Idk! I got it from google since I was trying to find a good picture of the Undertaker (Which wasn't to hard since he's gorgeous *^*) but then I found this cosplayer and nearly died of happiness.

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