Chapter 9

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Time skip of 3 months~

Pluto was currently running around outside as I was sewing some clothing Ciel ripped. I had refused to not do anything, so this is the most Ciel would give me as a 'job'. I looked down at my stomach and smiled at the bump forming. It's been three months and my cravings have been going through the charts! Last night I was craving scrambled eggs and chocolate, I mean how weird is that? It tasted pretty good though. I stretched as I finished sewing up the clothes then got up, a little bit hungry. Pluto saw this and came over, covered in dirt and mud. "Where are you going?" he asked, tilting his head. "I'm going to get food." I said winking at him before going inside. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a cutting board, knife, and an apple. I started to cut up the apple as carefully as I could when suddenly Finny came in, accidentally bumping into me, causing to cut my finger. "Ow!!" I screeched, quickly sticking my bloody finger into my mouth. "V-Vivian! I'm so sorry! Please forgive m--" Sebastian then ran in along with an even dirtier Pluto. "What on earth happened in here?!" Sebastian asked before seeing some blood going down my hand. "Pluto, go get the first aid kit and quickly." Sebastian ordered, Pluto quickly ran off, leaving me with Sebastiand and Finny. "Let me see your finger." I shook my head as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Vivian, I need to see how deep it is." I whimpered before quickly taking my finger out of my mouth and showing it to him before quickly sticking it into my mouth again. "It's not that least you cut it at a curve too." he muttered, taking the first aid kit from Pluto when he finally came back. Sebastian quickly patched up my finger and made me sit down as he cut up my apple for me. "Keep your finger up above your heart." he said, looking over his shoulder at me. I did as I was told and put my arm ontop of my head, my hand falling limply off my head. Pluto attempted to hug me when I pushed his face away, "You're dirty.." I said, wiping away some of my tears. "I'll take a bath..only for you though." he said, running off towards what I believe was our bedroom. Sebastian set a bowl of cut up apples infront of me and I dug in happily. "Thank you Sebastian." I said, eating quietly as I kepy my arm above my head still.

I walked up to my room, determined to lay down since I was feeling drained due to the blood loss. I trudged into the room, only to find candles lit and rose petals on the bed. I raised an eyebrow at Pluto, who was sitting naked on the bed as always. "What's all this Pluto?" I asked, smiling a little. He got up, hiding one of his hands behind his back as he walked towards me before kneeling down on one knee. "P-Pluto..?" He made a 'shush' sign at me before taking my hand. "Vivian Rosewell, will you make me the happiest hell hound and be my wife?" he asked, looking up at me with hopeful eyes. I felt my blood rush to my face, "Yes Pluto!" I said happily, nearly tackling him to the floor as he slipped the ring onto my left ring finger. "I love you." he said, kissing me. "I love you too, my dear." I replied, kissing him back and nuzzling his neck. He then picked me up bridal style and laid me down on the bed. "I guess I didn't need to get fancy, huh?" he asked, giving me a cheeky grin. I giggled and kissed his cheek, "Nope~" I cooed, pulling him into bed with me and snuggling him.
Short chapter, I know don't kill me! But look at that ring! Holy balls I want one! The next chapter will be longer, I promise :3

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