Chapter 8

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A/N Holeh shiz 1k reads ;w; thank you guys so much, I love you all to pieces even though I don't know you!  I feel so special~

        Sebastian, Ciel, and I walked up to the doors. The butler bowed to us, letting us enter; when I stepped in, there were a lot of people laughing, mingling, and dancing. The crowed looked awfully wealthy and it kind of scared me, considering they could possibly but then sell me then buy me back all over again. Ciel squeezed my shoulder then walked off to who knows where. Sebastian leaned forward and whispered, "Remember the plan." he said before walking off as well. I sighed and started to walk towards the punch table, maybe that'll grab his attention? I'm not known for being "sexy" but a lot of guys are looking at me right now. "Pluto would have a fit.." I thought, trying to ignore the stares. I poured myself some punch a took a sip, nearly spitting it out. "Are you alright?" asked a male. I looked up and saw my target, Aleister Chambers. "My, my arn't you pretty my fair rose?" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I set the spiked drink down. "I'm quite alright, thank you sir." "Please fair rose, call me Aleister." he said, winking at me. "Would you care to dance?" In reality I would've said no right off the back, but in this situation, I had to accept. "I would love to Aleister." I curtsied and took his hand as he led me to the dance floor. As we danced, I looked around till I found Sebastian standing off somewhere with Ciel, they were watching me. I blinked and looked back up at Aleister who was giving me a perverted grin. I followed his gaze and noticed he was staring at my chest. "Perverted son of a--"  my thought was interrupted, "Your eyes are so unique, I could get lost in them forever." he whispered, I fake giggled, "T-Thank you, mostly people are skeptical because of them." "May I ask what your name is, fair rose?" "Zelda Everglade." I answered, who wouldn't use a fake name around this guy?! His grin grew more, "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." I fought the earge to roll my eyes again and he stopped dancing suddenly, "Would you follow me?  I want to show you something." he said, holding out his arm. "This is it..." I thought, taking his arm and following him.

        He opened a door leading to a dark room and walked in, I followed and the door suddenly shut. "A-Aleister?" I asked, trying to make my eyes adjust faster. Suddenly a cloth with some weird smelling substance went over my mouth and nose. "The hell is this?!" I thought before I passed out.

        I woke up the sound of Aleister's voice booming through a microphone. I held my head since I had a headache and groaned, "What happened..?" I muttered, looking around. I was in a big bird cage with a drape covering it; I sighed and continued to rub my head till the drape started to lift up. I was blinded by a bright light and I quickly shielded my eyes.  "Ladies and gentleman, I give you Zelda Everglade. She's approximately 5 foot 3 inches, 120 lbs with a bust of about 34DDD. Isn't she gorgeous?" Aleister said, showing me off. I looked around confused till I realized what was happening. I was being auctioned off. "5,000? Do I hear 10,000? 10,000! Do I hear 10,500?..." I started to panick, I didn't want to be auctioned off! I'm pregnant and I have a boyfriend! I was about to cry till I heard a loud growl. I looked up just as the tears fell down my cheeks and there stood a gigantic snow colored dog with red eyes. "Pluto...?" I asked, mentally hitting myself for it being hushed, he heard me though and nodded before turning his gaze to Aleister. The crowed freaked out and ran towards the exits as fast as they could, Aleister stood there with a shock and fright apparent on his features. "How dare you try and auction off MY mate!" Pluto's voice boomed throughout the stage, causing me to cover my ears. Aleister turned as pale as a ghost and he quickly booked it, running away like a dog with his tail between his legs. I wiped my tears away as Pluto picked up the cage top, letting me get out before he dropped it back down. Pluto went back into his human form and ran over to me and hugged me, "Are you okay?!" he asked worriedly, holding me tightly. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and hugged back, nodding my answer. He sighed in relief then picked me up bridal style just as Sebastian and Ciel came running over. "There you are Vivian! We lost sight of you, my apologies." Sebastian said, looking over the two of us. "Pluto, when did you get here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

        "I snuck in and kept watch of Vivian, once she got kidnapped I looked everywhere then found her by her scent." he explained, sniffing me silently. I turned my gaze to Ciel,"Can..can we go home?" I asked, sniffling. Ciel nodded, "Our mission is done anyway."  he turned around and walked away, Sebastian following close behind.

        Once we got back to the manor, Pluto helped me out and carried me to our room. He then helped me undress then let me take off my makeup before crawling into bed. He held me close and protectively, placing little kisses from my cheek down to my collar bone. "I love you.." he said, kissing my temple. I giggled, "I love you too Pluto." Pluto dove under the covers and wrapped his arms around my stomach, kissing it. "Baby." he stated, nuzzling it, I shook my head and pet his head. "That's right Pluto..8 months." I answered, before falling asleep.

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