Chapter 4 (Part Two) - Searching for Answers/Pledging Fire

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        Naruto wondered what the heck Ino had been talking about. Who was Sasuke Uchiha? Deciding he had been lied to, Naruto ran to his apartment. He was sick of being lied to. Sick of being in the stupid village filled with sunshine and young ninjas full of hope. It sickened him that they would soon find out there was no hope. That this was a horrible world. The Uzumaki wanted to scream it to them. Tell them how wrong they really were about life. Only it would do no good. They would call him crazy. Naruto Uzumaki had lost everything in his mind. His parents, Jiraya, and his love of the village that he once had. Naruto had the feeling that he wasn't always this full of hatred for everything. Something had changed him. Something or someone made him this way. 

        Bursting into his apartment and almost slamming the door into the wall Naruto stormed to his room, packing all of his vital belongings up. Mainly just ninja tools and ramen. As he was about to close the bag something caught his eye. In all his rushing he had managed to move the curtain with teh breeze from his movements and let sunlight it. The light fell against something on the nightstand and it glinted and sparkled. Turning his attention to it Naruto picked up the objects. One was a headband, one with a deep slash through it. The other was a photo. One of a small squad, they couldn't be anything but newly made genins. Naruto stood at the side with Kakashi and Sakura in the middle. Only there was a third kid. A dark haired person where his hair stuck up oddly and he looked sort of like an asshole. Naruto's finger trailed over the picture where the boy was and he scowled. Was this Sasuke Uchiha? Had Ino really not lied to him and he did have another person on his squad once? And if Sasuke was a real person and he had been there...where was he now? Was he dead? Did he leave? 

        The more he thought about it the more intense the ache in his chest got. The more he couldn't move. The more he didn't want to. He felt like laying down and never getting up again. Ever. Anger flooded his mind then and Naruto stuffed the headband and the picture into his backpack, leaving a hastily written note on his door. With that the Uzumaki left with no intentions of ever returning. 

        Sakura was worried. Naruto had left the hospital a few hours ago and was no where in sight. Of course they had checked Naruto's favorite places but since some of the blonde's memories were missing it was hard to tell what he would do. The world's most unpredictable had become the worlds most untamable, unpredictable mess. 

        A note had said only a few things. The note they found on Naruto's door. 

I need answers. 

        Whatever that meant. Sakura sighed and looked at the hokage with slight remorse. She shouldn't have let Naruto leave. If she hadn't they would know exactly where he was. In the matter of a few milliseconds the silence of the office that had been so heavy it was suffocating was torn like a sheet of paper with scissors. The door flew open causing everyone to jump in surprise and Sakura could have sworn it was Naruto with the head of blonde hair bursting in like he always did. But it wasn't Naruto. 

        "Lady Hokage!" Ino yelled in the most urget tone Sakura had ever heard, "It's Naruto. I saw him. He left the village claiming he needed to find out about the third person in his squad. He...he said....he said..." Ino breathed heavily, "she must have ran all the way here from the gates" Sakura thought to herself. It must have been really bad. 

        "He said even if it was the last thing he did...Naruto Uzumaki said he was going to burn this village to the ground." 

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