Chapter 1| Say Something

ابدأ من البداية

"Don't worry Kunikida-kun~ I'm just gonna take a breather" I replied.

"Fine, just do your work before the day ends" he said, voice monotonous still.

I smiled slightly as I made my way out of the building, urging to get fresh air. When I started to think about Atsushi, I felt my chest hurt. Huh, first time.

I walked to the side and leaned on the walls, looking at the grayish-blue sky that looked like it will pour droplets sooner or later.

I breathed in and out. Attempting to get the heavy feeling out soon as possible. It's starting to suffocate me. Seriously.

I closed my eyes, trying to feel relaxed when my I felt my phone vibrate.

I grabbed it and unlocked the lock screen, looking at the name typed on my screen.

It was Atsushi.

I went to the message at lightning speed, my heart racing in anticipation. But that soon died down when I read the text message.


My face scrunched up into confusion.


What does he mean?

My head hurted as I pressed the dial button, tapping my feet in impatience.
If he was pulling a prank, I'm gonna tell you, It isn't funny.

The call dropped, and I pressed the button again. Waiting a response from the other side of the line yet no one answered.

Now, I was really worried. I didn't freak out at first because I knew that Atsushi wouldn't do suicide would he?
I know he has low self esteem but within a few months he managed to pull it. So what's the reason if he's ever gonna give up?

Break up?


No, Atsushi wouldn't do suicide with those stupid reasons. He's too mature for that.

I growled lowly as I started walking, stomping my feet on the way. I was headed to Atsushi's apartment, and I'm gonna demand answers alright.

I'm not gonna allow him to send me a heart stopping text and just don't pick up my calls.
But at the back of my mind, My heart was thumping loudly on my ears as I tried to calm my hands who were violently shaking.

It's been so long since I felt this kind of fear. The fear of losing someone so dear. It's so f*cking scary.

I reached Atsushi's apartment and walked up the stairs, and as I was in front of his door, I clenched my fist so tight that it turned white.

Why the hell am I hesitating now?

Oh, that's right.

I was afraid of what's behind the door. I was afraid of what will meet me, of what I was going to encounter.

And it's been a damn long time since I felt like that.

I swallowed.


I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, wishing, praying that whatever will meet me inside wasn't the one that I expected.

But when I stepped inside, my whole world stopped.

It went to a screeching stop.

I stared wide eyed at the figure above of me, hanging with a noose in his neck.

I was terrified, horrified, PETRIFIED.

My heart thumped louder, faster as my lungs burned.

I wanted to scream.

My legs gave up and I kneeled to the floor, crystal tears clouding my vision.

When was the last time that I cried?

No, that doesn't matter.

My chest hurts.

It hurts so much that I started to clutch it, wishing for everything to be a horrible dream.

Tears fell to the floor as I tried to gape for air. Making my other hand as stand as the other clutched my chest tighter.



F*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck

Why now?

Didn't I suffer enough?

Was all the shooting, killing, hurting not enough?


Why of all the people in the world did it have to be Atsushi?

He was the person who he treasured the most yet again the world failed him.

Giving him death of another loved one much more painful than before.


The pain stopped.

Everything did.

At least for me.

I stood once again on my own feet with my face still staring at the wooden floor.

Once I felt myself breath again, I looked up to the hanging figure of my once student. My once friend. My once love.

With tear marks on my eyes.

"Let's go home"

Text Messages (A Bungo Stray Dogs Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن