Chapter 8

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Skylor's POV

Armed with a fork, I cut into the warmed blueberry muffin that I have been craving ever since I arrived on campus. My laptop was set up in front of me, and my pens, pencils and highlighters were scattered in a neat mess around the round table I had claimed for the next hour or so.

My last class of the day was Business and Economics and it was eventful, to say the least. I was done with Kai, and his stupid ego.

Speak of the devil, there he is, entering the café with his whole clique: Seliel with her bright pink hair, Cole and Lloyd. Kai's at the front, leading them all to the front counter, and his gaze wanders throughout the café, before his eyes latch onto mine. Instead of simpering and waving like everyone else does, I simply shoot him my frostiest glare and stare at my blinding laptop screen. As if I was interested in compound interests!

"I have an iced water for Skylor Chen!"

Pushing my chair back, I head for the front counter, taking the sealed bottle and heading back to my chair, walking right into Kai during the process. Great.

"Didn't expect to see you here," he greets, as his friends order a frenzy of food and drinks to go around, enough to last a single human for at least a good few days or so.

"It's a free place." I deadpan in response, "What happened to keeping distance?"

He scoffs at me, "It's not like we're in a global pandemic. Relax."

I roll my eyes, "Global pandemic or not, you are the last person I'd wanna have a conversation with."

He scoffs, "Well then, you're clearly missing out." I roll my eyes and head back to my table when he calls after me, "Wait, I'm sorry!"

That apology sounded...sincere. Like he actually meant it. Could he have? I turn around to see him, hands stuffed in pockets, a defeated look on his face, "I, uh...I'm working on my ego. After you gave me that reality check I realised I need to sort myself out, and I'm trying. I just...dinner."

My eyebrow raises automatically, "Huh?"

"One date. That's all I want to prove myself. If you want, we can grab dinner...there's a nice restaurant at the borders of Terra Technica, if your interested...I don't mind paying..."

I weigh out my options carefully. On one hand, Kai had pretty much embarrassed me in front of the three biggest gossips of our university and pretty much crushed my reputation. However, I would never pass up an opportunity with free food, ever.

"Fine. One dinner." Kai's face lights up, as if he was a child being offered candy, and I just about melt. I think Kai has a hidden soft side that he simply covers up with a bad-boy-player mask. "I'll pick you up at seven tonight, wear something nice!"

Just as he's about to leave, I call after him, "What's the restaurant?"

"Dimitri's." He heads off with his friends, and I rush back to my table, going straight onto my laptop, pulling up a new tab, my fingers typing rapidly.

Dimitri's Restaurant, Terra Technica

As I scroll through the pictures, my nerves rise. This place was fancy; like Manhattan fancy. I couldn't possibly fit in. I'm just gonna assume that he's wearing a suit. Of course he would, considering how luxurious this place seemed.

I didn't have many dresses in my closet; the majority of my clothes were stored away back at home. There was one dress I wore to the Homecoming dance, dumped right at the back of my closet, behind all the knitted jumpers and t-shirts.

It wasn't my favourite choice, but it was the only thing I had. Grimacing, I pack my stuff away and take the bottle of water to go, finishing up the muffin before heading out and signalling for a cab. It's not long before one pulls up in front of me, and I slide into the backseat, setting my bag down beside me, "UTT campus, please."

"Of course."

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