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   Hayley Marshall screamed loudly and desperately, fighting to no avail as the witches lifted her on top of the alter, more agony in her voice as her labor progressed. On the ground by the front pew, Audrey Gilbert laid unconscious, a witch stood by her just in case. The remaining gathered around the alter, giving the pregnant werewolf no chance of escape, not that it was even possible in her current state.

   "Let go of me, you bitch!" Hayley snarled at them.

   Before anything could be said, the doors to the church slammed open, Klaus appeared in the doorway. Hayley stared at him in shock and relief, watching as he lunged and tore one of the witches head off, before stalking forward angrily. Running in front of the alter, Monique and Abigail link hands and lift him into the air with their magic, telekinetically pinning up against the wall above the sacristy. He screams as tries to fight himself free, but as soon as they were sure the spell was secure and he was stuck, the two Harvest girls moved back to helping Genevieve. 

   The soon-to-be parents watch fearfully as Genevieve lifts up a dagger, turning to look at Hayley who screamed in terror and agony. "You should know this brings me no joy." She said, looking between them both. "I promise I'll make it quick." Her eyes flickered to Audrey on the ground, as the witches spread a white sheet over Hayley's legs. "For all of them." She mumbled, before focusing back on the task at hand. "Let's begin, shall we?"

   "I will bring hell to your family!" Klaus yelled, unable to move from the wall, just watch what was happening.

   Genevieve coached Hayley calmly, glancing from underneath the sheet to her. "One last push!" She urged. "Push! The baby's almost here!"

   "I will bathe in your blood!" Klaus continued to yell murderously.

   "No!" Hayley panted in pain, tears in her eyes as the pain continued. "No!"

   "I can see the baby!" Monique let out as she moved to Genevieve's side.

   "Push!" Genevieve instructed, the pain leaving Hayley with no other choice but to comply. "Gently! Gently!"

   "You will die screaming!"

   Completely exhausted, Hayley fell back as the pain subsided, a small crying filling the air. "There!" The red headed witch let's out, causing both Hayley and Klaus to fall silent as they watch. Once the cord is cut, Genevieve carefully picks the baby up and wraps her in a blanket, holding her up for the parents to see. "You have a beautiful baby daughter." Neither of them could say anything, staring at their daughter in shock, awe filling their eyes. "We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky--"

   "--Please." Hayley let out softly, cutting her off. "Please, can I hold her?"

   Glancing between the baby and Hayley, Genevieve slowly walks over places the baby in her arms, allowing Hayley to cradle her in her arms. Tears brimmed in the Marshall girl's eyes, staring at her daughter in total amazement. Slowly, she looks up at Klaus with a tearful smile, who stared at them both. Gently, she pressed a kiss to her daughter's forehead, savoring each second. Suddenly, Monique steps up behind and grabs Hayley by the hair, pulling her head back and slitting her throat.

Absolution [ELIJAH MIKAELSON] [2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now