A normal day (Bold is author talking)

Start from the beginning

It was Hawaii, Maryland told me a flower fell out of Hawaii's  hair and Maine accidentally stepped on it. I looked at Hawaii and picked her up swaying. I then started to sing one of her favorite lullaby's 

You are my sunshine 

My only sunshine 

You make me happy~  when sky's are gray

You'll never know dear

How much I love you 

But please don't take my sunshine away.

I heard a sniffle and I put her down. I turned around to leave but then somebody yelled

"Wait!" I turned around to see New York holding a cup of coffee. I took the coffee and kissed New  York on the forehead.

"Thank you"

I left got to the car and drove to work. When I got there U.N shouted at me, but I ignored it. I noticed I had ashes and some foam still on me from California and Nevada's fire.                                            Everyone stared at me but I didn't care.                                                                                                                         I started to get a bad feeling something was wrong.

 Canada's POV

Something is up with America. He always sounds tired and he's been leaving early and getting phone calls from random people. 

Land of the empire builders,    Land of the golden west~

"America are you going to answer that?"

America than noticed grabbed the phone and walked out of the room.                                                       You could hear him frantically talking.

America's POV

It was Oregon I had to come home.

"U.N I have to go!"

Time skip brought to you by DeDerpQueen U-U                                                                                               When America got home

I walked in to find California, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin North Dakota, Delaware and Georgia's Peaches on fire.

Georgia was in the corner sobbing. 

DC was trying to get everybody to calm down.

We were out of fire extinguishers I needed to buy more. So I ordered the remaining states that were not fire to either dump water on them push them into the pool or remind them about "stop drop and roll.

An hour later when everything was not on fire I put on a southern movie for the kids to watch while I made dinner. After I finished and they all ate. I played with them a bit then made them go to bed.

I started doing the dishes while listening to the song "American pie" by Don McLean.                              After doing the housework I started doing my actual work. I finished at 5:00 AM.                                                                                              

Then I went to bed and did it all again

 793 words this is my first fan fic so please bare with me 

Fun fact in the "you are my sunshine" part I accidentally wrote

"You make me happy when skys are gay"

I noticed the mistake and laughed at myself

I tried to even out the use of each state sorry if I didn't put yours in this chapter.

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