Henri had scoffed before saying " When you have girl problems and she just tells you to punch your crush's boyfriend, then don't come crying to me asshole." He wasn't serious of course, he just liked to poke at Rya because she never got offended. He always tried to say mean things to her hoping she would react in another way then laughing wholeheartedly but she never, ever takes offense. It frustrated him to no end. Though, it was also something he admired in her.

Rya frowned at that - though she wasn't serious as well- and said "I would never tell him that. I like to think I'm pretty good at giving advice, thank you very much"

It was Josh's turn to scoff. "Are you serious?" He said in disbelief.
"I told you that I fancied Mia Burninham a week ago - in confidence - and you proceeded to shout at her, in front of the whole class 'hey Mia! Josh likes you' and you dare say that you give good advice?"

"Yes, you're right. It wasn't the best way to tell her. But did you or did you not get a date with her?" She replied.

"I did, yes. After you threatened that you would punch her if she said no. You thought I wouldn't find out?" Josh replied back.

At that the whole group had laughed and Rya had the decency to look sheepishly at him.

"Though, in her defense, that wasn't advice. Maybe if she gives some, it would be slightly better than immediately going into action?" Said Elliot.

At that, everybody looked at him unconvincingly and all proceeded to laugh, including him and Rya.

Chris was in his SUV waiting for them patiently. They both got in the car and Rya immediately turned the AC on. Her father proceeded to turn it off.

She glared at him and turned it on.

"You'll get sick." He said and turned it off.

She turned it on.
He turned it off.
She turned it on.

Noah, having enough of both of them turned it off. Rya turned around and glared ferociously at him.
"You'll get sick. And, if you get sick, I'll get sick which isn't something I really want so stop it." He reasoned and shrugged.

She looked at him, smirked, then turned the AC back on.
"You don't tell me what to do."

"Bloody Hell, you're too stubborn. Fine, at least we'll miss school" He replied.

"No you'll not" Said Christian just at the same time as Rya said
"No we'll not."

Her father looked at her weirdly but just shrugged. He wasn't about to complain that she wanted to go to school. It made his life easier if he was being honest.

"Shit. Look out!" Shouted Rya.
An suv was headed straight towards them.

Chris tried to make a sharp turn so that he could avoid it but it didn't help.

"Dad! Dad!" Shouted Rya in panick. Ironically it was the first time she had called him "dad" and not chris and she wouldn't even remember it.

The car crashed right into them, sending their vehicle flying on the other side of the road.


A U T H O R ' S    N O T E :

What's up ma dudes
I hope no one hates me😊😊😊

If you think Rya gives bad advice vote and comment 😆

peace out🖖🏼

peace out🖖🏼

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